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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2018

3.1.3. Other income not subject to tax

  1. Income from work

    • Diets and travel expense allowances under the conditions and within the limits established by regulation.
    • Deliveries that are excluded by law from consideration as remuneration for work in kind.
    • 50% of the income from work accrued during navigation by crew members of ships registered in the Special Register of Ships and Shipping Companies of the Canary Islands and ships assigned to regular services between the Canary Islands and between these and the rest of the national territory, in accordance with the terms of articles 73.2 and 75 of Law 19/1994, as amended by Law 4/2006, of March 29, will be considered exempt income.
    • Also considered exempt income will be 50% of the work income earned during navigation by crew members of vessels flying the Spanish flag, registered in the Community fishing fleet register and the company owning the vessel in the Special Register of Spanish Fishing Vessel Companies, fishing exclusively for tuna or similar species outside Community waters and no less than 200 nautical miles from the baselines of the Member States.
  2. Community agricultural policy subsidies and public aid (DA 5 Law 35/2006)

    • Positive income derived from the following aid will not be included in the tax base of Income Tax:

      • Aid from the Community agricultural policy:
        1. Definitive abandonment of vineyard cultivation.
        2. Bonus for uprooting apple orchards.
        3. Banana tree uprooting bonus.
        4. Permanent abandonment of milk production.
        5. Definitive abandonment of the cultivation of pears, peaches and nectarines.
        6. Starting of pear, peach and nectarine plantations.
        7. Definitive abandonment of the cultivation of sugar beet and sugar cane.
      • Aid from the Community fisheries policy: definitive cessation of a vessel's fishing activity and its transfer for the establishment of joint ventures in third countries, as well as the definitive abandonment of fishing activity.
      • Public aid aimed at repairing the destruction caused by fire, flooding or collapse of heritage elements.
      • The receipt of aid for abandoning road transport activity paid by the Ministry of Public Works to transporters who meet the requirements established in the regulations governing the granting of said aid.
      • The receipt of public compensation for the compulsory slaughter of livestock, within the framework of actions aimed at eradicating epidemics or diseases. This rule only affects animals intended for breeding.

    Income that will not be included in the tax base:

    To calculate the positive untaxed income, both the amount of aid received and the capital losses incurred in the assets will be taken into account. If these losses are greater than the aid, the negative difference may be included in the tax base. If there are no losses, only the amount of the aid will be excluded from taxation.

    • Public aid, other than that provided for in the previous section, received for the repair of damage suffered by assets due to fire, flooding, subsidence or other natural causes, will be included in the tax base in the part in which it exceeds the cost of repairing them. In no case will the repair costs, up to the amount of the aforementioned aid, be tax deductible or counted as an improvement.

      Public aid received to compensate for the temporary or permanent eviction for identical reasons from the taxpayer's habitual residence or from the premises in which the owner of the economic activity carried out the same will not be included in the taxable base of this Tax.

  3. Forest rents (DA) 4 Law 35/2006)

    Subsidies granted to those who exploit forest farms managed in accordance with technical forest management plans, forest management, forestry plans or reforestation plans approved by the competent forestry authority will not be included in the tax base of Personal Income Tax, provided that the average production period, depending on the species in question, determined in each case by the competent forestry authority, is equal to or greater than 20 years.

  4. Non-taxable profits

    For his period of stay until 31-12-96

    • The portion of capital gains generated before January 20 2006 derived from assets not affected by economic activities will not be subject to tax, when on December 31 1996 they had a period of permanence greater than those indicated below (DT 9 Law):
      1. More than 10 years (i.e. acquired before 12-31-86), if it is:

        • Real estate
        • Real estate rights
        • Securities representing participations in the share capital or assets of companies and other entities whose assets consist, at least 50%, of real estate located in Spanish territory, with the exception of shares or participations representing the share capital or assets of companies or real estate investment funds.
      2. More than 5 years (i.e. acquired before 31-12-91), in the case of shares admitted to trading on any of the official secondary securities markets.
      3. An exception is made for shares representing participation in the share capital of Real Estate and Mutual Fund Companies, whose holding period for these purposes must be greater than 8 years.
      4. More than 8 years (i.e. acquired before 12-31-88), for other assets or rights.

    IMPORTANT: For all assets to which the above coefficients apply, a maximum limit of 400,000 euros is established for the transfer values.

    • Capital gains that arise from the transfer of urban real estate acquired for valuable consideration from May 12, 2012 to December 31, 2012 will be exempt by 50 percent .
    • Capital gains that arise from the transfer of assets by taxpayers over 65 years of age, provided that the total amount obtained from the transfer is used, within a period of six months, to create an insured life annuity in their favor. The maximum amount that may be applied, for these purposes, to the life annuity will be 240,000 euros.
  5. Other income

    • The income that is revealed at the time of the constitution of insured life annuities resulting from the individual systematic savings plans referred to in DA 3
    • Amounts received as a result of the dispositions made of the habitual residence by persons over 65 years of age, as well as by persons who are in a situation of severe or great dependency as referred to in article 24 of the Law on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for Persons in Situations of Dependency, provided that they are carried out in accordance with the financial regulations relating to the acts of disposition of assets that make up the personal assets to assist the economic needs of old age and dependency.
    • The portion of the capital gain derived from the transfer of the participation in the capital of Listed Public Limited Companies for Investment in the Real Estate Market (SOCIMI) determined in accordance with the provisions of Law 11/2009, of October 26, which regulates this type of companies.
    • Exceptional aid for personal injury in cases of death and absolute and permanent disability paid as a result of the seismic movements that occurred on May 11, 2011 in Lorca will be exempt (Art. 2 and art. 12.8 RDLey 6/2011).
    • Capital gains that arise from the transfer, after July 8, 2014, of shares or interests acquired by the taxpayer between July 11, 2011 and September 29, 2013, in newly or recently created companies will be exempt, provided that the requirements and conditions established in the Thirty-fourth Additional Provision of the Personal Income Tax Law are met.
    • Capital gains arising from the receipt of aid granted to offset the costs of buildings affected by the release of the digital dividend will not be included in the tax base.
    • Financial aid granted for medical expenses not covered by the corresponding Health Service or Mutual Fund, which are intended for treatment or restoration of health, will not be subject to tax.
    • With effect from 1 January 2014 and previous years not prescribed, capital gains arising from the transfer by payment in kind or by foreclosure or notarial execution of the habitual residence of the debtor or the debtor's guarantor are declared exempt.

      They will be exempt as long as the profit is from the cancellation of debts secured by a mortgage on said habitual residence contracted with a credit institution or another entity that, in a professional manner, carries out the activity of granting mortgage loans or credits.

      It is necessary that the owner of the principal residence does not have other goods or rights of an amount that would be sufficient to pay the whole debt and prevent the loss of the residence.

Refunds arising from agreements entered into with financial institutions, in cash or through other compensation measures, together with any compensatory interest that may be received, of amounts previously paid in the form of interest for the application of clauses limiting interest rates on loans, will not be subject to tax. (Floor clause).

In any case, if the amounts now returned were subject to deduction for the acquisition or rehabilitation of a habitual residence, whether a state or regional deduction, or a deductible expense from real estate capital gains or economic activities, you must apply, in the tax settlement, boxes 0539, 0541 and 0544, the deducted amounts, without calculating late payment interest.