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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2018

7.2.6. Reduction for obtaining work income

The reduction for obtaining work income will only apply to taxpayers with net work income of less than 14,450 euros, provided that they do not have income, excluding exempt income, other than work income of more than 6,500 euros. In these cases, both the 2,000 euro charge and this reduction will apply. The amount of the reduction will be:

Please note that the following amounts are only applicable to taxpayers who died before 5 July 2018.

  1. Taxpayers with net earned incomes equal to or lower than 11,250 euros: 3,700 euros a year.

  2. Taxpayers with net earned incomes between 11,250 and 14,450 euros: 3,700 euros less the result of multiplying by 1.15625 the difference between the work income and 11,250 euros per year.

For these purposes, the net income from work will be the result of reducing the total income by the expenses provided for in letters a), b), c), d) and e) of article 19.2 of the Tax Law.

As a result of the application of the reduction provided for in this article, the resulting balance may not be negative.

For taxpayers whose tax accrues from July 5 to December 31, 2018, the following reductions will apply:

Half of the positive difference resulting from the following operation:


a) Taxpayers with net income from work equal to or less than 13,115 euros: 5,565 euros per year.

b) Taxpayers with net income from work between 13,115 and 16,825 euros: 5,565 euros less the result of multiplying by 1.5 the

difference between work performance and 13,115 euros per year.


The amounts that have been set out for taxpayers who died before July 5, 2018.

In any case, the Web rental program automatically performs all calculations, and it is not necessary to perform any operation.