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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2018

10.8.8. For the purchase of new construction property for primary residence

The taxpayer may deduct for five years, 7.5 percent of the amounts paid for the acquisition of the home that will constitute his habitual residence, must simultaneously comply with the following requirements :

  • That the taxpayer has his habitual residence in Castilla y León.

  • Let it be your first home.

  • That the home is located in Castilla y León.

  • That it is a newly built home. New construction housing will be considered to be those located in buildings for which the approval of the new construction project has been obtained between September 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012.

The basis of the deduction will be the amounts paid for the acquisition, including the expenses borne by the acquirer, and in the case of external financing, amortization, interest, the cost of interest rate risk hedging instruments. variable of mortgage loans and other expenses derived from it. In the event of application of the aforementioned hedging instruments, the interests paid by the taxpayer will be reduced by the amounts obtained by the application of the aforementioned instrument.

The maximum base of the deduction will be 9,040 euros per year.

When a habitual residence is acquired having enjoyed the deduction for the acquisition of other previous habitual residences, no deduction may be made for the acquisition of the new one as long as the amounts invested in it do not exceed those invested in the previous ones, to the extent that would have been subject to deduction.

When the disposal of a habitual residence would have generated a capital gain exempt from reinvestment, the deduction base for the acquisition of the new home will be reduced by the amount of the capital gain to which the exemption from reinvestment applies. In this case, no deduction may be made for the acquisition of the new one as long as the amounts invested in it do not exceed both the price of the previous one, to the extent that it has been subject to deduction, and the capital gain exempt from reinvestment.

The deduction may be applied in the tax year in which the first amount is paid for the purchase of the home and in the four following tax years.

When in tax periods subsequent to their application the right is lost, in whole or in part, to the deductions made, the taxpayer will be obliged to add to the autonomous liquid quota accrued in the year in which the deduction requirements were not met. the amounts improperly deducted, plus late payment interest.


A window will open in which you must complete the following three fields: The total amount paid with the right to deduction must then indicate the date of approval of the project for the execution of new construction of the home, to, finally, indicate the year in which the first amount for the acquisition was paid, for the purposes of the calculation of deduction of the established period of 5 years.