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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2018 Completion

It must be indicated, first and foremost, the identification data of the large family title, the number of the title and the category of the large family, the effective dates and the date, if applicable, of expiration of the title. The number of ascendants who are part of the large family. If it is made up of the brothers of the father and mother, the number of brothers who belong to it.

Transfer of right

You must indicate whether you transfer the right to the deduction that may correspond to another taxpayer who also has the right to the same deduction. If yes, you must indicate the NIF of said taxpayer.

In the event that other taxpayers transfer to you the right to receive the entire deduction, you must indicate this, completing the NIF of the transferor, in any case.

You must also indicate in the corresponding boxes the amount of the deduction that has been collected in advance, including, if the right to the deduction is transferred to you, the amount also collected by the other transferors.

Data relating to pensioners or unemployed . If you are unemployed, or are a recipient of any Social Security, Passive Classes or alternative Mutual Insurance pensions throughout the year, you must mark only the box that corresponds to all the months of the year. If it is not the entire year, you must mark the months in which you do have perceptions of this type. It must also indicate, in the case of assignment, whether the assignors, there is room for three assignors, also comply with all the months of receipt, or, if not, indicate it month by month.

Social security or mutual insurance contributions . In the event that you have contributions throughout the year, including the contributions of the transferors, equal to or greater, in each of the months, the result of dividing 100 euros between the number of people who are going to apply the deduction, or, said Otherwise, if the sum of the contributions of all taxpayers entitled to the deduction is equal to or greater than 100 euros, you must indicate only this point in the corresponding box. Otherwise, it must reflect the contributions made monthly. You must also indicate, in the case of transfer, the same data for the rest of the transferors. There is space for up to three transferors.

It must also reflect, in the case of not being required to present a declaration but it is presented, whether it is done in the joint or individual modality.

Finally, as there is an increase in the deduction, as of August 1, 2018, if you have a number of children that exceeds the minimum number required to be a large, general or special family, you must check the corresponding box.