Withholdings in income tax for non-residents without a permanent establishment
Withholdings applicable to non-residents and tax return forms for withholding agents
Income exempt from the obligation to withhold tax at source
As a general rule, the following apply:
Income exempt by virtue of what is set out in the law for non-resident income tax. However, there will be an obligation to withhold tax on the following exempt income in accordance with LIRNR :
the exemption relating to dividends obtained by equivalent pension funds EU .
the exemption for dividends earned by unit trust institutions.
Income exempt by virtue of what is set out in an Agreement for avoiding double taxation.
Income paid to payers of this tax without permanent establishment when payment of the tax or the origin of the exemption is accredited.
Income that establishes capital gains. However, an obligation shall exist to withhold tax from the following income:
prizes from participation in games, competitions, raffles or random combinations.
income obtained on the transfer of buildings located in Spanish territory.
Income obtained on the transfer of shares or holdings that represent the capital of Unit Trust Institutions.
prizes subject to the Special tax on specific lotteries and betting.