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The Economic Management Service of the Tax Agency

The Economic Management Service of the Tax Agency is responsible for the administration of the financial and material resources necessary to fulfill its purposes, additionally acting as the Agency's accounting service.

In this sense, the Economic Management Service constitutes the support through which the rest of the units of the Tax Agency are provided with the different resources necessary to carry out the functions entrusted to them.

It is responsible for preparing the preliminary draft budget of the Tax Agency, a fundamental process to guarantee the availability of sufficient financial resources to ensure the correct functioning of the Agency, and the control and monitoring of the execution of the budget, in order to guarantee efficient management of public resources, covering the needs formulated by the different centers.

As a result of the execution of the Tax Agency's budget, the Economic Management Service is responsible for the financial management of said budget; that is, the realization and control of all payments made to the Agency's different suppliers, as well as the administration of the different income it receives for its financing, carrying out exhaustive control of the same, in such a way that All payments and collections are made correctly and attended to on time.

In the exercise of these functions, in order to achieve the optimization of resources and compliance with current legislation, the Economic Management Service assumes the contractual management of the Agency in a triple aspect. On the one hand, it assumes the preparation of the annual contracting plan, which includes all the contracts to be concluded by the Agency, depending on the needs of each of its units, both central and territorial. On the other hand, it coordinates the activity of the different contracting bodies of the entity, for the sake of the necessary homogenization in such an extensive organization, directly assuming the bidding and awarding of the most complex or highest value contracts. All this seeking the most effective relationship between the quality of the contracted supply or service with the price obtained under the premise of the most efficient use of public resources and maximum respect for current legislation.

It is worth highlighting the work of the Economic Management Service in the planning and management of all the real estate needs that the Agency requires to fulfill its functions, as well as the maintenance and conservation of properties and facilities, which allows for adequate and more efficient administration. of public resources.

In turn, it is responsible for the programming, administration and provision of the movable assets required by the Agency, in its different units, guaranteeing homogeneity in the availability of said assets, as well as managing the physical and accounting inventory of said assets.

Finally, the Tax Agency, as manager of public resources, annually reports on the management carried out through accounting. The Economic Management Service is responsible for keeping and preparing the accounts, both for the management of taxes and for the internal accounting itself, on which the Agency must submit to the Court of Accounts through the General Intervention of the State Administration. .

A Service that guarantees the most appropriate and efficient administration of public resources by the Tax Agency.