List of fees that can be paid through the AEAT Payment Gateway
Rates included in the scope of application of OM Hac/729/2003 of March 28
List of fees managed by bodies of the General State Administration and its public agencies, whose payment can be made electronically in accordance with the provisions of ORDER HAC/729/2003 of March 28.
Rates | URL | Code |
Fees of the Directorate-General of Coastal and Maritime Sustainability, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environmental Affairs. : Fee 063 - Expenses and remuneration in management and inspection of works. Fee 064 - Operation of works and services. Fee 065 - Fee for occupation and use of the State's territorial waters. Fee 066 - Services rendered and activities carried out in the use of the State's territorial waters. (BOE 14/12/2017) | |
990063, 990064, 990065, 990066
Fee payable for official import checks on certain non-animal foodstuffs (BOE 18/11/2014) | |
Fee payable to the Spanish Accounting and Auditing Institute for issuing auditors' reports. (Official State Gazette 10/04/2003) | |
Fees payable to the National Securities Market Commission for activities and services rendered. (Official State Gazette 27/11/2003) |
991301, 991302, 991303, 991304
Fee payable for the allocation and renewal of the limited resource of Internet domain names under the country code for Spain (.es) managed by the public corporate entity (Official State Gazette 03/03/2004) |
Fees payable to the National Energy Commission established in Additional Provision 12.2 (second and third paragraphs) of Law 34/1998 of 7 October, regarding the electricity and gaseous hydrocarbons sector. (Official State Gazette 03/04/2004) |
791306, 791307
Examination fee set forth in article 18 of Law 66/1997 of 30 December, on tax, administrative and social order measures regarding selective testing for bodies affiliated to the Ministry of Public Administrations. (Official State Gazette 11/03/2005) | |
Examination fee set forth in article 18 of Law 66/1997 of 30 December on Tax, Administrative and Social Order Measures regarding selective testing for admission to special bodies, announced by the Ministry for Industry, Tourism and Trade. (Official State Gazette 22/04/2005) | |
Various fees corresponding to the Ministry of Public Works: a) Fee for the issuance of professional maritime and recreational qualifications b) Fee for actions by ship and shipping company registries c) Fee for examination fees for qualifications for the government of recreational vessels d) Fee for the provision of services and performance of activities in the field of air navigation e) Fee for the granting of individual administrative authorisations f) Fee for the issuance of registry certificates g) Fee for the provision of services and actions by the Administration in the field of regulation of land transport by road 1a) Fee for the services of issuing radioelectric safety certificates 1b) Fee for the issuance, endorsement and renewal of the International Ship Security Certificate 1c) Fee for the granting of the railway company license 1d) Fee for the approval of railway personnel training centers and rolling stock maintenance, for the granting of titles to said personnel and for certification of the aforementioned material 2a) Fee for management and inspection expenses of works 2b) Fee for royalties for occupation or specific use of the public domain and for the operation of service areas on roads 2c) Fee for drafting projects, comparison and appraisal of works and projects 2d) Fee for reports and other actions 2e) Fees of the laboratories of the former Ministry of Public Works 2f) Fee for the provision of inspection and control services by the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy. (BOE 25/06/2005 and 24/03/2006) |
790023, 790025, 790028, 790029, 790030, 790032, 790033, 790077, 790085, 790086, 790089, 790090, 990018, 990019, 990020, 990021, 990022, 990024, 990027
Fee for issuing Consumer Price Index certificates. (Official State Gazette 21/10/2005) |
Examination fee for selective tests for Tax Agency posts (BOE 15/03/2006) | |
Fees for rendering services in the area of Industrial Property payable to the Spanish Patents and Trademarks Office (BOE 30/09/2006) |
Telecommunications fees: - Issuance of registration certificates and presentation of technical project and installation certificate or bulletin - Issuance of certificates of compliance with technical specifications - Technical inspection or verification acts - Processing of the authorization or concession for private use of the public radioelectric domain - Presentation of exams to obtain the amateur station operator diploma - Issuance of the amateur station operator diploma - Registration in the installer registry - Request and issuance of the technical opinion for the conformity assessment of equipment and telecommunications equipment - Processing of authorization for specific use of the public radioelectric domain (BOE 25/11/2006) | |
Fee with code 055 "Phytosanitary Fees" set forth in article 69.3 of Law 43/2002 of 20 November, on Plant Health (BOE 13/02/2007) |
Fee with code 017 "Fee for registering and advertising associations" set forth in article 35 of Law 13/1996 of 30 December, on Tax, Administrative and Social Order Measures (BOE 22/05/2007) |
Fees with code 052 "Fee for processing residency permits and other documentation for foreign citizens" and code 053 "Fee for rendering services and activities relating to private security (BOE 24/07/2007) |
790052, 790053
Fees corresponding to the Autonomous Central Traffic Authority Headquarters (BOE 11/12/2007) |
Fees with code 054 "Fee for services rendered by bodies of the former Ministry of Industry and Energy" (BOE 29/12/2007) |
Fees with code 006 "Administrative Fees of the Ministry of Justice" (BOE 25/01/2008) |
Fee payable to the National Energy Commission (CNE) in relation to the liquid hydrocarbons sector, defined in Law 12/2007 of 2 July. (BOE 04/04/2008) |
Examination fee in the registration application for selective testing for professions or grades of public service positions or the staff categories announced by the Ministry of Work and Social Issues (BOE 11/04/2008) | |
Fee for the analysis and study of concentration operations set forth in article 23 of Law 15/2007 of 3 July, on Antitrust Regulation. (BOE 5/05/2008) |
Fee with code 062 "Fee for issuing work and other permits to foreign citizens", managed by the Ministry of Public Administrations. (Official State Gazette 13/09/2008) |
990062, 790062
Fees with code 057 "Fee for healthcare services", code 059 "Fee for issuing academic, teaching and professional diplomas" and code 061 "Fee for services rendered and actions by the administration regarding planning road transport activities", managed by the Ministry of Public Administrations. (Official State Gazette 13/09/2008) |
790057, 790059 and 790061
Fees applicable for rendering services and performing activities in matters of air navigation by the State Air Safety Agency (AESA) (BOE 01/01/2009) |
Fee for the provision of services and management of permits and certificates within the scope of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) established in the Second Additional Provision of Law 32/2007, of November 7, for the care of animals, in their exploitation, transport, experimentation and slaughter. (BOE 06/23/2009) |
Fee for Central Registry of Intellectual Property services (BOE 23/09/2009) |
Examination fees for entry into the National Police Force (BOE 20/11/2009) |
Fee for rendering services and performing activities in the area of private security (BOE 20/11/2009) |
Fees for inspections, permits and tenders, corresponding to the General Police Department and the Civil Guard (BOE 20/11/2009) |
Fees for examination rights for the General Police Department and the Civil Guard (BOE 20/11/2009) |
790001, 790093
Fees for rendering services and performing activities in the area of private security (Official State Gazette 12/10/2012) |
Fee for the use of space in museums and other cultural institutions of the Ministry of Culture (BOE 19/12/2009) |
Fees payable for the activities and services rendered by the State Agency Official State Gazette (Official State Gazette 19/12/2009). Resolution of 4 February 2019, (BOE 04/02/2019) |
791314, 791315, 991314, 991315
Fee for permits required for exporting items of Spanish Historical Heritage (BOE 29/12/2009) |
Fees and public pricing for services rendered by the Nuclear Security Council (BOE 06/01/2010) |
991308, 791308
Fee for services rendered by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (BOE 16/02/2012) |
Fee for international travel vaccinations (BOE 05/02/2010) |
Fee for foreign health checks carried out on meats and products of animal origin from non-EU countries (BOE 05/02/2010) |
Examination fee for entrance exams for legal and tax jobs managed by the Recruitment Committee (BOE 01/04/2010) |
Examination fee for selective tests for the Justice Administration (BOE 01/04/2010) |
Fee for examining feature films and other audiovisual works for age rating purposes (BOE 24/05/2011) |
Fee for examinations, authorisations and tenders (BOE 29/11/2011) |
Fee for the Spanish Medicine and Health Product Agency (AEMPS) for rendering services and performing activities of the General State Administration regarding medications, as defined in article 107 of Law 29/2006 of 26 July, on guarantees and the rational use of medications and health products (BOE 03/09/2012) |
Fee for registering or modifying toxicological records in the chemical products registry (BOE 30/01/2014) |
Fees payable to the Spanish Office for Plant Varieties (OEVV) for veterinary inspections and checks on imports of live animals and products of animal origin not destined for human consumption from non-EU countries: | |
790045, 790046, 790048, 790080, 790051, 790083, 790084, 990046, 990084, 990047
Fee for the administrative management of gambling (BOE 27/06/2014) |
Fees of the National Securities Market Commission. a) Fee per certificate b) Fee for examination of documentation c) Fee for registration of entities and acts d) Fee for verification of compliance with marketing requirements e) Fee for supervision of solvency requirements and rules of conduct f) Fee for supervision of market members g) Fee for supervision of markets h) Fee for supervision of entities issuing securities admitted to trading, securitization funds and bank asset funds. (Official State Gazette 13/02/2015) |
791304, 991318, 991319, 991320, 991321.991322, 991323, 991324
Fee for submitting the application for Spanish nationality on the grounds of residency or naturalisation for Sephardi Jews of Spanish ancestry (BOE 13/11/2015) |
Fees managed by the State Rail Safety Authority: Code 325. Fee for granting railway company license, safety authorization and safety certificate - Code 326. Fee for approval of centres and certification of entities responsible for maintenance of railway vehicles - Code 327. Fee for granting titles - Code 328. Fee for examination calls - Code 329. Fee for authorization of railway vehicles - Code 330. Fee for rendering railway safety services. (BOE 22/01/2016, BOE 26/10/2021) |
791325, 791326, 791327, 791328, 791329, 791330,
991325, 991326, 991327, 991328, 991329, 991330 |
Rates managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. Contributions to the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation: - Code 103. Contribution for telecommunications operators. - Code 104. Contribution for licensees and providers of TV audiovisual communication services. (Official State Gazette 24/02/2016) |
790103, 990103, 790104, 990104
Fee for issuing certificates and registrations and entries in the Official Auditors Registry (BOE 17/05/2016) |
Rendering of services and activities relating to pesticides for environmental use and in the food industry, and biocides in general, in application of Directive 98/8/EC. |
Rates of the Ministry of the Interior, General Directorate of Police: - Code 012. Fee for Inspections, Authorisations and Tenders. - Code 013. Fee for Issuing Passports. - Code 014. Fee for Issuing national ID cards. (Official State Gazette 07/02/2017) |
790012, 790013, 790014
Plant Health Fees (BOE 7/4/2017) |
Fee for the authorisation and registration of other animal health products (BOE: 19-05-2018) |
Fee for activities involving genetically modified organisms (BOE: 25-07-2018) | |
Examination fee (exclusive management of the CGPJ) - BOE 19/09/2019 | http://administració |
Fee for registration in the administrative registry of insurance and reinsurance distributors, managed by the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (BOE 19-06-2020) | |
Fees of the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge) : 532 - Supply of environmental information. 548 - Expenses for the management and inspection of works. 550 - Drafting of projects, comparison and valuation of works. 551 - Reports and other actions. 552 - Tax on the occupation and use of public water goods. 553 - Tax on spillage control. 554 - For the exploitation of waterfalls at the base of dams. 556 - Water use tariff and regulation tax. 623 - Tax on the use/exploitation of the state public domain. 633 - Tax on the use of continental waters to produce electricity. (BOE 28-09-2020) | rates-rates-and-fees/payment-of-fees |
991532, 991548, 991550, 991551, 991552, 991553, 991554, 991556, 991623, 991633
Fee for determining the rates for the exploitation of intellectual property rights (BOE 11/12/2020) | |
Ministry of Universities fees: | |
790107, 790109
Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration rates: | |
Rates of the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation, OA: 539 - Fee for providing environmental information. 557 - Construction management and inspection expenses. 558 - Operation of works and services. 559 - Drafting of projects, comparison and appraisal of works and projects. 560 - Reports and other actions. 561 - Fee for occupation and use of public hydraulic domain assets. 562 - Regulation fee. 563 - Water usage rate. 564 - Discharge control fee. 565 - Fee for exploitation of dam foot jumps. 624 - Rate for private use or specific use of state public domain assets. 636 - Fee for the use of continental waters for the production of electrical energy, when its liquidation by this Hydrographic Confederation is appropriate, as a consequence of the acts of review and verification entrusted to it. (BOE 8/10/2022) | |
991539, 991557, 991558, 991559, 991560, 991561, 991562, 991563, 991564, 991565, 991624, 991636
Rates of the Tagus Hydrographic Confederation, OA: 509 - Provision of environmental information. 584 - Construction management and inspection expenses. 585 - Operation of works and services. 586 - Project writing. 587 - Reports and other actions. 588 - Fee for occupation and use of public hydraulic domain assets. 589 - Water regulation fee. 590 - Water usage fee. 591 - Discharge control fee. 592 - Fee for exploitation of dam foot jumps. 593 - Water usage rate and regulation fee. 635 - Fee for the use of continental waters for the production of electrical energy. (BOE 22/12/2022) | |
991509, 991584, 991585, 991586, 991587, 991588, 991589, 991590, 991591, 991592, 991593, 991635
Rates managed by the Tobacco Market Commissioner: a) Rate with code 596-Provision of tobacco market services. b) Fee with code 597 - Application for tobacco retail outlet concession. c) Rate with code 598 - Point of Sale Authorizations with Surcharge. d) Rate with code 599 - Tobacco sales and stamp fee. (BOE 16/02/2023) |
791596, 791597, 791598, 991596, 991597, 991598, 991599
Ministry of Health examination fee (BOE 28-04-2023) |
Fee for reservation of the public radioelectric domain (BOE 20-10-2023) |