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Request for actions before the release of goods.

General Details


Request for actions before the release of goods.

Procedure type





Actions may be requested before the release of goods.

Responsible body

State Revenue Office

General information of the procedure

Start form


Applicant: Citizen - Company

Place for presentation


Phases of the procedure/service

It does not have specific processing phases.


Electronic processing

Resolution deadline

6 months

Resolution body

State Revenue Office


Replacement: Term: One month. Optionally, before the office from which the administrative act to be appealed comes from, stating that no economic-administrative claim has been filed against it.

Economic-administrative claim: Term: One month from the day following the notification of the disputed claim or that on which the procedure or the previous appeal is deemed rejected. It will be directed to the administrative body that issued the claimable act.

Information linked to electronic processing

Identification system

Electronic DNI, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code

Interactivity level

Level 4: Electronic processing


Basic Regulations

Resolución de 2 de marzo de 2004, del Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria,

por la que se establecen normas para la tramitación de la solicitud de actuaciones previas al despacho.