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Form 683. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services arising from the manufacturing of fuel, including the dismantling of the manufacturing facilities.

General Details


Form 683. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services arising from the manufacturing of fuel, including the dismantling of the manufacturing facilities.

Procedure type





Facilitate the self-assessment of the fee levied on radioactive waste management services derived from the manufacture of fuel elements, including the dismantling of their manufacturing facilities.

Responsible body

State Revenue Office

General information of the procedure

Start form


Applicant: Company

Place for presentation



Model 683

Phases of the procedure/service

It does not have specific processing phases


Electronic processing

Resolution body

State Revenue Office

Information linked to electronic processing

Identification system

Electronic DNI, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code

Interactivity level

Level 4: Electronic processing


Basic Regulations

Orden EHA/408/2010, de 24 de febrero,

por la que se aprueban los modelos de autoliquidación 681, 682, 683 y 684 para el ingreso de las tasas establecidas en el apartado 9 de la disposición adicional sexta de la Ley 54/1997, de 27 de noviembre, del Sector Eléctrico y los plazos y forma de presentación de los mismos. (BOE 26-febrero-2010)