Model 281. Quarterly information statement on operations involving the sale of tangible goods carried out in the Canary Islands Special Area without the goods moving through the Canary Islands.
General Details
Model 281. Quarterly information statement on operations involving the sale of tangible goods carried out in the Canary Islands Special Area without the goods moving through the Canary Islands.
Procedure type
Procedure for submitting and consulting form 281. Quarterly information declaration of trade operations of tangible goods carried out in the Canary Islands Special Zone without the goods transiting through Canary Islands territory
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Administration
Place for presentation
Online, at the Tax Agency eOffice
Phases of the procedure/service
There are no specific processing phases.
Resolution deadline
According to applicable regulations
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
The submission of appeals is not appropriate
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic certificate
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Orden HFP/1285/2023, de 28 de noviembre,por la que se aprueba el modelo 281, "Declaración informativa trimestral de operaciones de comercio de bienes corporales realizadas en la Zona Especial Canaria sin que las mercancías transiten por territorio canario" y se establecen las condiciones y el procedimiento para su presentación, y por la que se regulan los requisitos del "Libro registro de operaciones de comercio de bienes corporales realizadas en la Zona Especial Canaria sin que las mercancías transiten por territorio canario" (BOE 30-noviembre-2023).