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Information for the interested party on data protection

3.4. Storage period

In accordance with article 17.3.b, d and e of Regulation EU 2016/679, the data collected will be kept for the life cycle of the documents that incorporate them in compliance with the recovery and conservation obligations derived from the Archive System of the General State Administration.

To this end, the elimination of administrative documents held by the Tax Agency shall be governed by the provisions of Royal Decree 1164/2002, of 8 November, which regulates the conservation of documentary heritage with historical value, the control of the elimination of other documents of the General State Administration and its public bodies and the conservation of administrative documents in a medium other than the original.

In addition to what is described above, for data processing that may have a different retention period, this is described in each of the processing activities that are accessible in the register of processing activities.

Record of processing activity