5.1. Census
Description of the activity
Management and obtaining of information from taxpayers, whether they are individuals or legal entities. To do this, most of the census data is processed, including historical data.
Effective implementation of the state tax and customs system
Interested parties
- Taxpayers and Obligors
- Natural or legal persons, Spanish or foreign, with DNI, NIE (DGP) or NIF (AEAT)
- DNI and data associated with the document, NIE, NIF, company name, name and surname, address, telephone number, email, fax, mobile phone number, marital status and, where applicable, spouse or ex-spouse, country of birth, province of birth, town of birth, date of birth, nationality, passport, sex, type of administration to which the taxpayer is attached, tax identification number in a foreign tax administration, city council identification number, electoral identification number, census sheet number, father's name, mother's name.
- Transactions of goods and services.
- Tax obligations.
- Collection
- Record
- Storage
- Structuring
- Modification
- Update
- Copy
- Analysis
- Enquiry
- Extraction
- Promotion
- Interconnection
- Limitation
- Suppression
- Destruction
- Other
- SS Organizations
- CCAA Bodies
- Autonomous Communities
- Administrative Bodies Premises
- Provincial Councils
- Navarre Provincial Council
- Basque Provincial Councils
- Chamber of Commerce
- DG Cadastre
- Courts
- European Commission
International transfers
Not foreseen
Based on the actions entrusted to the AEAT for the exercise of its functions, the data of the activities may be processed for analysis and data mining.
Technical/organizational measures
All data processed has been evaluated through a risk analysis, obtaining the list of technical and organizational measures to be applied.
These measures have been applied in accordance with the approved adaptation plan.
More information
File containing the registry of taxpayers, whether they are natural or legal persons. The file also contains the historical data with the changes that have occurred in the census data of each taxpayer. The main identifying data is the Tax Identification Number (NIF). The file is used by the different functional areas of the Tax Agency to retrieve the identification and census data they need for their operation, since this file contains most of the census data that is common to several applications.