5.13. Cl@ve Identification System Registration
This treatment is carried out as a data processor, in accordance with the provisions of Order PRE/1838/2014, dated October 8, which publishes the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, dated September 19, 2014, approving Cl@ve, the common platform of the State Public Administrative Sector for identification, authentication and electronic signature through the use of agreed keys and in the Resolution of December 14, 2015, of the Directorate of Information and Communications Technologies, which establishes the technical requirements necessary for the development and application of the Cl@ve system.
Description of the activity
Processing of information necessary to register citizens in the Cl@ve service.
Ensure the appropriate level of authentication of citizens to proceed to the registration level corresponding to said authentication level, allowing the use of the Cl@ve service.
Interested parties
- Individuals and employees
- Name, surname, DNI / NIE , Date of birth
- Data associated with the support of DNI / NIE
- Address, telephone number, email.
- Collection
- Record
- Storage
- Structuring
- Modification
- Update
- Copy
- Analysis
- Enquiry
- Extraction
- Promotion
- Interconnection
- Limitation
- Suppression
- Destruction
- Other
According to the specifications of the General Secretariat of General Administration ( SGAD ).
Regulated in Order PRE/1838/2014, of October 8, which publishes the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, of September 19, 2014, by which Cl@ve is approved, the common platform of the State Public Administrative Sector for identification, authentication and electronic signature through the use of agreed keys and in the Resolution of December 14, 2015, of the Directorate of Information and Communications Technologies, which establishes the technical requirements necessary for the development and application of the Cl@ve system.
International transfers
Not foreseen
Does not apply
Technical/organizational measures
All data processed has been evaluated through a risk analysis, obtaining the list of technical and organizational measures to be applied.
These measures have been applied in accordance with the approved adaptation plan.
More information
This treatment is carried out as a data processor, in accordance with the provisions of Order PRE/1838/2014, dated October 8, which publishes the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, dated September 19, 2014, approving Cl@ve, the common platform of the State Public Administrative Sector for identification, authentication and electronic signature through the use of agreed keys and in the Resolution of December 14, 2015, of the Directorate of Information and Communications Technologies, which establishes the technical requirements necessary for the development and application of the Cl@ve system.