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Information to the interested party on data protection

5.51. Special taxes - Tax marks

Description of the activity

Management of taxable persons who must declare special taxes on beverages derived from and tobacco products, with identification and tax marks provided by the FNMT.


Effective application of the state tax and customs system.


  • Taxpayers and obligated subjects


  • NIF/DNI, Name and Surname, Address
  • Commercial information
  • Data related to the seals supplied by the FNMT to each establishment


  • Collection 
  • Record
  • Storage
  • Structuring 
  • Modification
  • Update
  • Copy
  • Analysis
  • Enquiry
  • Extraction
  • Promotion
  • Interconnection
  • Limitation
  • Suppression 
  • Destruction
  • Other


are not foreseen

International transfers

are not foreseen

Planned deadlines for deletion

The data collected will not be deleted and will remain in the databases of the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) in order to cover possible legal requirements or other types of claims that may arise.


Based on the actions entrusted to the AEAT for the exercise of its functions, the data of the activities may be processed for data analysis and mining.

Technical/organizational measures

All data processed has been evaluated through a risk analysis, having obtained a list of technical and organizational measures to apply.

These measures have been applied in accordance with the approved adaptation plan.

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