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Requests for refund of personal income tax 2019-2023 by pensioners who made contributions to mutual societies

The AEAT is working in coordination with Social Security and other organizations, in order to respond to refund requests for mutual members (DT 2 LIRPF) as soon as possible and with the least inconvenience for citizens.

To this end, it is planned that on March 20 a simple form will be enabled that will allow all requests to be channeled for resolution based on information from that available to the Agency, as well as the information about the working life of the applicants that the AEAT collects from Social Security and other organizations.

Therefore, it will not be necessary to attach any type of documentation to the application, since, in general, the AEAT will already have the necessary information to resolve the application.

However, in the event that it is not possible to resolve a specific request with the available information, interested parties may be required to provide the necessary documentation afterwards.

Both the application form and the information related to this process will be made available to interested parties through the AEAT electronic headquarters ( https://sede. ).

This form can be used to request all returns corresponding to the 2019-2023 period, although for 2023, in most cases the calculation will already appear in Renta Web and the adjustment will be automatically applied to the declaration. For those cases in which the AEAT does not have sufficient information, it will not be able to offer the calculation in the tax data, but to request the adjustment it will be enough to present the same form used for previous years.