Specific Tariff Measures (STM)
Check out the industrial products that you can import to the Canary Islands with exemption from import duties
The MEA, Medidas Específicas Arancelarias (Special Tariff Measures), is a system applicable in the Canary Islands that involves the exemption of customs duties on the import of certain industrial products for commercial and industrial use in the Canary Islands from third countries.
(Council Regulation 1386/2011 dated 19 December 2011 temporarily suspending the autonomous rights of the Common Customs Tariff on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands).
Capital goods for commercial and industrial use provided for in Annex I and the raw materials, parts and components listed in Annex II of Council Regulation 1386/2011 dated 19 December. 2011, temporarily suspending the autonomous rights of the Common Customs Tariff on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands.
To benefit from the MEA, you must have an authorisation of country of end-use in the Canary Islands.
Likewise, you must apply for this benefit by coding in the Single Administrative Document in box 36.2 of code 84 and indicating in box 44 the end-use authorisation number.
Subsequently, after importation, you will have to comply with the obligations of the end-use system as laid down in the Union Customs Code and implementing regulations. Additionally, capital goods for commercial and industrial use provided for in Annex I of Regulation 1386/2011 must be used by economic operators in the Canary Islands for a minimum period of 24 months from their release for free circulation.
Articles 1,2 and 3 of Council Regulation 1386/2011 dated 19 December 2011 temporarily suspending the autonomous rights of the Common Customs Tariff on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands.
Article 254 of Regulation 952/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council, dated 9 October, which establishes the Community Customs Code.
Resolution of July 11, 2014, of the Customs and Tax Department. from the State Agency for Tax Administration, which contains the instructions for formalizing the Single Administrative Document (SAD).