Find out about the formalities involved in importing or exporting goods, as well as other useful information on foreign trade activities.
Highlighted procedures
Digital Assistance (ADI) and virtual tools
If you need information on how to import or export goods or have questions about which customs form is most suitable for carrying out manufacturing or transport operations, what simplifications are contemplated by the regulations or any other question related to customs matters, you have at your disposal the chat and telephone appointment service of Digital Assistance ( ADI ) where they can help you.
Customs News
Find out what's new in customs matters
E-commerce. PIPE. Shipping between individuals
Find out everything you need to know about e-commerce for business and private purchases and shipments here.
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) and customs authorisations
Find out about the advantages of being a trusted AEO in customs operations. Here you will find all the information about who is eligible and the procedure.
INTRASTAT: Statistical obligations
Find out if you are obliged to declare, what the declaration thresholds are for dispatch and introduction, what movements of goods with other EU Member States and Northern Ireland you must declare and deadlines.
Entry and exit of goods
Temporary storage, places for presenting goods. Summary tax returns. Importing and exporting goods
Customs status of goods
Find out what it is, how to justify the status of Union goods or how to obtain the authorised consignor status authorisation.
Customs debt, elements. Warranties and Payment
“Determines the debt by applying the corresponding customs duties and VAT, taking into account the value, tariff classification and the country of origin or provenance of the merchandise. Pay your foreign trade debts here”
Special procedures
Warehousing of goods, temporary importation, inward or outward processing, end-use and transit
Simplified procedures
What simplifications the law allows for involving customs declarations (simplified declarations, entry in the declarant's records, centralised clearance, etc.)
Customs one-stop Shop (COSS)
Learn about the advantages of the COSS and how it works
Prohibitions and restrictions on foreign trade operations
Learn about the goods that may be affected by restrictions or prohibitions. Prohibitions and restrictions are understood to be all European Union and/or Spanish regulations, other than customs legislation, that must be applied to goods entering, leaving or passing through the customs territory of the Union.
Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla
Consult the Special Supply Scheme and the unique characteristics of foreign trade in the Canary Islands and Ceuta and Melilla.
Copyright protection
Learn about intellectual property rights and their protection
Electronic customs
Consult the technical guides for your electronic foreign trade operations. You can also check details of the timeline for implementing all the electronic systems provided for in the EU Customs Code
Customs Supervision Service
Find out about issues and procedures related to the Customs Surveillance Service.