Personal Income Tax
We will inform you about the tax and help you prepare and file your income tax return.
Personal Income Tax virtual assistance tools
Using the Virtual Income Tax Assistant you can ask your own questions, which will be answered in a personalized way, as well as the most common doubts about the Income Tax Campaign.
In addition, through this Assistant, if you need additional information, you can access the Income Information System, which will allow you to select between different options until you get the answer you need, or access the chat attended by specialists from the Comprehensive Digital Administration. Comprehensive.
2023 Income Tax Campaign
Campaign Start: April 3, 2024
Latest updates on Income Tax
Find out about the changes in the Personal Income Tax regulations and the new INFORMA references
Mutualists: refund requests
Access all the information and procedures to request your refund
How should I file my tax return?
You will be able to find out how to prepare your income tax return and you will be able to file your income tax return for the current and previous years
Tax returns already filed
Consult or modify your tax return, the account to which you paid by direct debit and obtain information about your refund
How can I respond to a subpoena or submit documentation?
Responds to requests and submits documentation, appeals and complaints
I want a certificate of my income tax return
What it certifies and how to apply
Incomes not subject to Personal Income Tax
What income is exempt
Family and Disability Deductions
We’ll inform you about the deductions you can apply for children and other descendants and for people with disabilities
Single employers and professionals
Find out about the systems for determining the income from your activity, what your obligations are as an entrepreneur or professional and the entities in attribution of income
Withholdings, payments on account and payments in instalments
We’ll inform you about personal income tax payments on account
- Ley 35/2006, de 28 de noviembre,
del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas y de modificación parcial de las leyes de los Impuestos sobre Sociedades, sobre la Renta de no Residentes y sobre el Patrimonio
- Real Decreto 439/2007, de 30 de marzo,
por el que se aprueba el Reglamento del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas y se modifica el Reglamento de Planes y Fondos de Pensiones, aprobado por Real Decreto 304/2004, de 20 de febrero.
- Ley 35/2006, de 28 de noviembre,