How to obtain a copy of your tax return filed
Skip information indexObtaining a copy from "Consult submitted declarations" in Income procedures
In the Electronic Office of the Tax Agency you have access to your 2023 Income Tax file from the following options:
"Consultation of submitted declarations"
"WEB Rent Service"
"My Files"
"Getting a copy using secure verification code ( )CSV
If you have questions about how to obtain an electronic certificate, how the DNIe works, how to register in the Cl@ve system or how to obtain the reference number, consult the available help.
Query of submitted declarations (access with certificate, DNIe , ,Cl@ve Reference or if you are a citizen of the EU with the identification of another country (eIDAS)) from the Income procedures.
In the "Highlighted procedures" section of Income Tax, go to "All procedures" and click on "Check submitted returns". Then choose how you are going to identify yourself.
If you are going to identify yourself with a reference, indicate your DNI or NIE and write the reference that you have previously obtained. If you do not have a reference, you can obtain a new one by clicking the "I do not have a reference" button to link to the obtaining service.
Once you have logged in with one of the identification types, on the next page, the boxes " NIF required" and "Model" (model 100) will appear completed and the "Fiscal Year" box with the last available Income tax year (2023). Next, click "Search" in the list of returns and click on "View" in the "Obtaining Proof" column to download proof of filing and the full copy of the 2023 Income Tax Return.