Consult tax data online
To view your tax information, click the link "Tax information" in the "Highlighted procedures" section.
Currently, to consult your tax data you can identify yourself in these 3 ways:
- With certificate or electronic DNI ;
- With Cl@ve (if you are registered in the system Cl@ve );
- With the reference number of the 2023 Income Tax draft/return.
After identifying yourself with any of the enabled systems, if it is the first time you access the Income services for the 2023 fiscal year, a window will appear so that you can confirm or modify, if necessary, the details of your tax domicile.
Once the address has been confirmed, the tax data that the Tax Agency has at that time will be displayed.
You can also consult your tax data through the APP- AEAT for mobile devices, identifying yourself in the application with the Income reference number, Cl@ve , electronic certificate or DNIe .
Consultation of tax data from previous years
If you need to consult tax data from a previous year, you can access it from the query itself or from the "Previous years" section and select the corresponding year.