International sanctions
Here you will find information on sanctions that, in the interest of strengthening international security, the defence of democracy and human rights, are imposed internationally
International sanctions are a central element of foreign and common security policy. Their main objective is to strengthen international security and defend democracy and human rights, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter and with the provisions of Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union.
The implementation of these measures has evolved over time, and today they seek to have the greatest possible impact on the people responsible for attacking these values, and try to minimise adverse humanitarian effects.
In the European Union, restrictive measures provide a key tool of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and are used to defend its strategic interests and protect its fundamental goals abroad.
In relation to trade in goods, the measures may include prohibitions or restrictions on the import and/or export of certain goods.
To determine whether a certain item is subject to limitations involving a specific territory, you can consult the TARIC database of the European Union on this same page