Type of Agreement 8 - Professional Diesel
This group includes associations in the road transport or agricultural sectors that carry out, on behalf of their members, the procedures necessary to obtain the corresponding refunds in the areas of professional diesel or agricultural diesel respectively, although they may submit all types of declarations on behalf of their members.
The declaration models that may be submitted by those adhering to this agreement are the following:
Personal Income Tax
100.- IRPF Personal Income Tax.
100.- IRPF Personal Income Tax. 2004
100.- IRPF Personal Income Tax. 2005
101.- IRPF Personal Income Tax Simplified Declaration.
104.- IRPF Abbreviated Refund Request.
113.- Procedures related to the presentation. New data communication form regarding capital gains due to change of residence when it is to another Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area with effective exchange of tax information.
130.- IRPF Economic activities in Direct Estimation.
131.- IRPF Economic activities in Objective Estimate.
140.- Maternity deduction.- Advance payment of the Deduction. Individual or batch presentation.
143.- Submission of application. Advance payment of the allowance for a large family, for an ascendant with two children or for those caring for persons with disabilities.
143.- Detailed consultation and processing of application 143 for social collaborators.
- Submission of the form to report the quantification of income derived from subordinated debt and preferred shares.
- Processing of Draft IRPF with third party certificate.
Wealth Tax
714.- Presentation of the model. Wealth Tax.
714.- Presentation of the model. Wealth Tax. 2004
714.- Presentation of the model. Wealth Tax. 2005
714.- Wealth Tax. Provide supporting documentation.
Withholdings and Payments on Account
110.- Withholdings and Payments on account. Work performance.
111.- Withholdings and Income on Account of Personal Work.
115.- Withholdings and payments on account. Income or yields from the leasing or sub-letting of urban buildings.
117.- Withholdings and payments on account. Income from transfer or reimbursement of shares or holdings in Collective Investment Institutions.
123.- Withholdings and payments on account. Certain earnings from liquid capital or certain income.
124.- Withholdings and payments on account. Income and yields from liquid capital derived from the transfer, depreciation, reimbursement, swapping or conversion of any type of asset representative of the raising and use of borrowed capital.
126.- Withholdings and payments on account. Income from liquid capital is obtained from the consideration derived from accounts held at all types of financial institutions.
128.- Withholdings and payments on account. Income and earnings from liquid capital from capitalisation transactions and life or invalidity insurance contracts.
230.- Presentation model 230. Withholdings and payments on account of the special tax on prizes from certain lotteries and bets. Withholdings and on-account deposits for certain gambling and lottery winnings. Self-assessment.
Informative tax returns
156.- Contributions from members and mutual societies for the purposes of maternity deduction. Annual summary.
159.- Annual declaration of electricity consumption.
165.- Informative Declaration of individual certifications issued to partners or participants of newly or recently created entities. Presentation, consultation. Companies and professionals, collaborators and representatives.
165.- Informative Declaration of individual certifications issued to partners or participants of newly or recently created entities. Provide supporting documentation.
170.- Presentation. Annual informative return of operations performed by employers or professionals belonging to the debit or credit card collection management system.
171.- Annual declaration of deposits, fund provisions and collections of any document. Presentation 2010, consultation and modification of representatives.
180.- Income from the leasing of urban properties. Annual summary.
181.- Loans and credits, and financial operations related to real estate. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
182.- Donations, gifts and contributions received. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
184.- Entities under Income Attribution Regime. Annual return. Presentation and consultation and modification of proxies.
187.- Informative Declaration and Annual Summary of Withholdings and Income on Account for Acquisition and Transfer Operations of Shares and Participations. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
188.- Income or returns on movable capital from capitalization operations and life or disability insurance contracts. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
189.- Annual Information Declaration on Securities, Insurance and Income. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
190.- Income from work and economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and imputed income. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
192.- Operations with Treasury Bills. Annual return. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
193.- Income from Personal Capital: Dividends. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
194.- Withholdings and payments on account of IRPF , IS and IRNR (permanent establishments) on income from movable capital and income derived from the transfer, amortization, reimbursement, exchange or conversion of any kind of assets representing the raising and use of third party capital. Annual summary. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
195.- Consultation. Informative Tax Return. Quarterly statement of accounts or operations whose holders have not provided the NIF to the Credit Institutions within the established period.
196.- Annual summary of withholdings and payments on account of capital gains and income obtained from consideration derived from accounts in all types of financial institutions. Presentation and consultation and modification of proxies
198.- Operations with Financial Assets and Other Securities. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
199.- Annual declaration of identification of check operations of Credit Institutions.
270.- Annual summary of withholdings and payments on account of the special tax on prizes from certain lotteries and bets. Submit, consult, modify. Collaborators, Representatives, Companies and Professionals.
270.- Provide additional documentation.
270.- Annual summary of withholdings and payments on account of the special tax on prizes from certain lotteries and bets. Provide supporting documentation.
282.- Procedures related to electronic submission. Annual information statement of aid received within the framework of the REF of the Canary Islands and other State aid, derived from the application of European Union law.
291.- Income Tax for Non-Residents. Accounts of non-residents without permanent establishment.
294.- Individualised list of clients receiving benefits distributed by Spanish Collective Investment Institutions, as well as those on whose behalf the marketing entity has made refunds or transfers of shares or interests.
295.- Individualized annual list of clients with investment positions in Spanish Collective Investment Institutions, as of December 31 of the fiscal year, in the cases of cross-border marketing of shares or interests in Spanish Collective Investment Institutions.
296.- Withholdings and payments on account of Income Tax for Non-Residents (without permanent establishment). Presentation, consultation and presentation by representatives.
299.- Annual declaration of certain income obtained by natural persons resident in other Member States of the European Union and in other countries and territories with which an exchange of information has been established.
340.- Informative Declarations of operations included in the registration books. (Art 36. Royal Decree 1065/2007, of July 27). Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
345.- Annual Declaration of Plans, Pension Funds, Alternative Systems and Social Security Mutual Societies.
346.- Subsidies and compensation paid by public/private entities to farmers or ranchers. Presentation, Consultation and Modification of Proxies.
347.- Annual Declaration of Operations with Third Parties.
349.- Recapitulative Declarations of Intra-Community Operations. Presentation, consultation and modification of proxies.
611.- Cash payments of the tax levied on documents negotiated by Collaborating Entities. Annual Summary Tax Return.
616.- Cash payments of the tax levied on the issuance of documents that involve exchange action or are transferable to order. Annual Summary Tax Return.
720.- Presentation. Informative tax return on goods and rights held abroad.
- Informative Declaration. Certain prizes exempt from personal income tax.
Corporation Tax
200.- Corporate Tax and Non-Resident Income Tax. Deposit or refund documents.
200.- Submission of deduction justification form.
200.- Submission of specific documentation form for operations with related persons or entities.
200.- Submission of the reservation form for investments in the Canary Islands.
- I. on Companies. Simplified Declaration-Settlement of Corporate Tax and Income Tax for Non-Residents (Permanent Establishment)
- I. Companies – I. Non-Residents. Simplified annual declaration.
201.- Non-current Corporate Tax forms.
202.- Corporate Tax and Non-Resident Income Tax (permanent establishments and entities under the income attribution regime established abroad with a presence in Spanish territory). Payment by instalments
208.- Submission of declarations.
218.- Fractional Payments.- Large Companies.- Annotation in Tax Current Account.
222.- Fractional payments Taxation regime for groups of companies.
222.- Submit the annex to form 222 for reporting changes in the composition of the tax group.
225.- Presentation Model 225
Non-Resident Income Tax
210.- Income Taxes for Non-Residents.- Non-Residents without permanent establishments, when the result is to be paid.
211.- Income Tax for Non-Residents.- Withholding on the acquisition of Real Estate from Non-Residents without permanent establishments. Procedures related to the presentation.
212.- Income Tax for Non-Residents.- Non-residents without Permanent Establishments. Declaration of Income Derived from Transfers of Real Estate. Reimbursement procedure. Procedures related to the presentation.
213.- Special Tax on Real Estate of Non-Resident Entities. Procedures related to the presentation.
214.- Presentation Model 214.
215.- Income Tax for Non-Residents. Non-Residents without Permanent Establishments. Collective Declaration, when the result is to be entered. Procedures related to the presentation.
216.- IRNR Income obtained without the mediation of a permanent establishment. Tax withheld and account deposits (tax return - payment document).
Value Added Tax
300.- Presentation Model 300.
303.- VATSelf-assessment. Procedures related to the presentation.
308.- Special Regime of the Equivalence Surcharge, article 30 bis of the VAT Regulation and occasional taxable persons. Request for refund.
309.- Value Added Tax.- Declaration - Non-periodic settlement.
310.- Simplified Regime.- Quarterly Declaration.
311.- Simplified Regime.- Declaration.- Final Settlement.
322.- Value Added Tax.- Group of Entities.- Individual Model.- Monthly Self-Assessment. Procedures related to the presentation.
341.- Value Added Tax.- Request for reimbursement of compensation in the special regime for agriculture, livestock and fishing.
353.- Value Added Tax.- Group of entities. Aggregated form. Monthly self-assessment.
360.- Management of refunds to entrepreneurs or professionals not established in the territory in which they bear the Tax.
361.-Requests for refund of VATborne in the territory of application of the tax by entrepreneurs or professionals established in third countries with which there is reciprocity.
368.- Presentation of the model. VATdeclaration of the special regimes for telecommunications, broadcasting or television or electronic services. Regime of the European Union.
368.- Presentation by file. . VATdeclaration of the special regimes for telecommunications, broadcasting or television or electronic services. Regime of the European Union.
368.- Presentation of the model. VATdeclaration of the special regimes for telecommunications, broadcasting or television or electronic services. Regime outside of the European Union.
368.- Presentation by file. . VATdeclaration of the special regimes for telecommunications, broadcasting or television or electronic services. Regime outside of the European Union.
368.- General consultation.
368.- Consultation for presenters.
368.- Check the processing status of the declaration.
368.- Provide additional documentation.
368.- Respond to requests or submit documentation related to a notification received from the AEAT
370.- Value Added Tax. General and Simplified Regime.
371.- Value Added Tax.- General and Simplified Regime. Final Quarterly Statement.
380.- Monthly declaration of operations similar to Importation
952.- Model 952. Filing.
952.- Model 952. Consultations.
952.- Model 952. Consultation for presenters.
952.- Provide additional documentation.
Annual Summaries
390.- VATAnnual Summary.
392.- Annual Summary of Large Companies.
Other Statements
030.- Census of taxpayers - Census declaration of registration, change of address and/or variation of personal data.
034.- Census form 034 for registration, modification and deregistration in the Special Regime. Regime of the European Union.
034.- Census form 034 for registration, modification and deregistration in the Special Regime. Regime outside of the European Union.
034.- Census form 034 per file. Regime of the European Union.
034.- Census form 034 per file. Regime outside of the European Union.
034.- Check the status of the procedure.
034.- Electronic Copy (Full Consultation).
034.- Query by date range.
034.- Consultation of the census situation.
034.- Provide additional documentation.
034.- Respond to requests or submit documentation related to a notification received from the AEAT
036- 037. - Census Declaration of commencement, modification or cessation of Activity.
036 – 037.- Provide additional documentation.
038.- Carrying out operations carried out by entities registered in public registries. Information statement in Euros.
039.- Communication of data relating to the special regime for groups of entities in the Value Added Tax.
108.- Single tax on asset revaluation for taxpayers of IRPF
430.- Tax on Insurance Premiums. Declaration – Settlement.
480.- Tax on Insurance Premiums. Annual summary tax return.
695.- Presentation of model 695. Request for refund of legal fees.
696.- Fee for the exercise of jurisdictional power in the civil, contentious-administrative and social orders. Procedures related to the submission of the model.
763.- Self-assessment of the Tax on gaming activities in the case of annual or multi-annual activities.
840.- Tax on Economic Activities. Procedures related to the presentation.
840.- Calculation of the Tax on Economic Activities.
Excise Taxes
- Management of documents EMCS (Excise Tax Movement Control System).
500.- Accompanying Administrative Document.
503.- Simplified Administrative Accompanying Document.
506.- Request for refund for introduction into a tax warehouse.
507.- Request for return using the guaranteed shipping system.
508.- Request for refund through the distance sales system.
510.- Declaration of operations for receiving products from the rest of the European Union.
511.- Delivery notes.
512.- Annual list of recipients of Second Tariff Products.
513.- Annual declaration of activity. Electricity tax.
517.- Request for tax stamps to the Special Tax Management Office.
518.- Tax on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Work declaration.
519.- Tax on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Report of incidents in work operations.
520.- Tax on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Part of results in work operations.
521.- Quarterly report of first subjects delivered.
522.- Quarterly report of products referred to in article 108 ter of the Excise Tax Regulations.
524.- Request for refund of the Tax on Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages.
540.- Provisioning of Exempt Aircraft.
541.- Exempt Fuel Supplies for Vessels through the en route sales procedure.
543.- Exemption for Fuel Supply to Vessels.
544.- Payments made by checks or discounted diesel cards.
545.- Fuel supplies for international relations with refund of hydrocarbon tax.
546.- Provision of diesel fuel to vessels entitled to a refund of the hydrocarbon tax.
548.- Presentation of form 548. Informative Tax Return of return fees.
553.- Declaration of operations in factories and warehouses of wine and fermented beverages.
554.- Declaration of operations in alcohol factories and tax warehouses.
555.- Declaration of operations in factories and tax warehouses of intermediate products.
556.- Taxes on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Declaration of operations in Intermediate Products Factories.
557.- Taxes on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Declaration of operations in Factories and Tax Warehouses for derived beverages.
558.- Tax on Beer. Declaration of operations in Beer Factories and Tax Warehouses.
559.- Tax on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Artisanal and Harvester Distillation Regime. Declaration - Settlement.
560.- Tax on Electricity. Declaration - Settlement.
561.- Tax on Beer. Declaration - Settlement.
562.- Tax on Intermediate Products. Declaration - Settlement.
563.- Tax on Alcohol and Derived Beverages. Declaration - Settlement.
564.- Tax on Hydrocarbons. Declaration - Settlement.
566.- Tax on Tobacco Products.- Declaration. Settlement.
568.- Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport. Request for refund on the resale and shipment of transport means outside the territory.
569.- Declaration - Settlement and list of exempt supplies in the Tax on Retail Sales of Certain Hydrocarbons.
570.- Tax on Hydrocarbons. Declaration of operations in Hydrocarbon Factories and Tax Warehouses.
572.- Request for Refund of Hydrocarbon Tax.
576.- Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport. Self-assessment. Procedures related to the presentation.
576.- Cancellation NRC Registration Tax.
580.- Tax on Tobacco Products. Tobacco Declaration of Labor.
581.- Hydrocarbon Tax.
582.- Presentation and Consultation. Tax on Hydrocarbons: Streamlining for forwarding of products to another Autonomous Community.
583.- Presentation and Consultation. Tax on the value of electricity generation. Self-assessment.
584.- Filing of self-assessment. Tax on the Production of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste from the generation of nuclear electric power.
584.- Consult self-assessments of Form 584.
584.- Respond to requests, make allegations and/or provide documents or supporting documents.
585.- Liquidation Declaration. Tax on the storage of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in centralized facilities.
585.- Filing of self-assessment. Tax on the storage of spent nuclear energy and radioactive waste in centralised facilities.
585.- Respond to requests, make allegations and/or provide documents or supporting documents.
587.- Presentation and Consultation. Declaration of Liquidation of Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases.
589.- Presentation and Consultation. Tax on the value of gas, oil and condensation extraction. Self-assessed tax return and payment by instalments.
590.- Request for refund for export or expedition.
595.- Special Tax on Coal. Declaration - Settlement.
596.- Special tax on coal. Annual summary statement of operations carried out in Factories.
- Consult the justification for Professional Diesel Fuel Refunds.
- Ordinary return of IVPEE. Ordinary refund of environmental taxes. Submit application or communication.
- Refund of undue income from IVPEE. Submit application or communication.
- Special return of IVPEE. Special Refund for Tax on the Value of Electricity generation. Submit application or communication.
- Management of the census of beneficiaries and vehicles of Professional Diesel.
- Submission of request for refund of IVMDH
- Request for refund of IVMDH
- Presentation of Accounting Books of Establishments of II.EE.
- Submission of the application for the refund of agricultural diesel fuel.
- Presentation of professional diesel supplies.
Other Procedures
- Application for a certificate of tax residence in Spain.
- Online application for the ECOT certificate. Be up to date with tax obligations.
- Application with digital certificate for contractor and subcontractor certificates.
- Response to requests for information from IT departments. Make allegations and/or provide documents or supporting documents.
- Procedures for consulting the tax deadline.