Document check using the secure verification code CSV
All documents and certificates issued by the Tax Agency, regardless of how they were requested, have a verification code to allow the recipient to verify their authenticity and validity on the website. Therefore, the Secure Verification Code allows for the integrity of the copy of this electronic document to be verified.
This code can be found at the bottom of the document (e.g. on certificates), or at the beginning (as is the case with tax return submission receipts).
Enter the Secure Verification Code in capital letters and then press "Submit" to obtain the PDF containing the document. If you have difficulty viewing the document, click "View full screen." Please note that since this is a PDF it is necessary to have a PDF document viewer installed on your computer. Make sure you enter this 16-character code correctly, otherwise you will get an error message stating that no documents cataloged with that CSV could be retrieved.
You can also obtain proof of submission of the return sent by consulting "View tax returns filed".