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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2019

7,3,7,1. Lease

This section includes properties that have been leased, subleased or transferred to third parties during the year or when the owner has received income from the creation or transfer of rights or powers of use or enjoyment over the property (usufruct).

If the property had other uses during the year, you will also have to mark them and reflect the additional data requested.

Please note that only the identifying data of the leased properties are transferred upon incorporation. Income and expenses must be completed in the declaration itself. To do this, you will have to click "edit" on the rented properties and enter the amounts in the "Additional information" section.

In the "Additional Information" window you will enter:

Lease data

  • The total number of days that the property was rented in 2019.
  • Lease Type : You will have to reflect key 1 (with a 60% reduction) or 2 (without a 60% reduction) depending on your case. If during the year you had several Type 1 leases, or Type 1 leases and Type 2 leases, the program allows you to create a lease and enter all the data relating to it; Then, by clicking “Add Lease” you will add the other rental and record all the data relating to it.
  • The date of the lease contract (if the contract date is prior to the acquisition date, the acquisition date will be recorded as the contract date), the NIF of the tenant/s, or, where applicable, the identification number in the country of residence, must be completed for leases with the right to a 60% reduction (Type 1). In the case of rentals for tourist purposes or business premises, it will not be necessary to provide this information.

Gross income and deductible expenses

For each property, the income derived from it and the amount of the expenses necessary to obtain said income will be recorded. However, when during the year the property has had, among other cases, leases with the right to a 60% reduction and without the right to the same, or several lease contracts with the right to a 60% reduction, or leases to family members and other tenants other than family members, the income and expenses will have to be individualized by contract.

The amounts pending deduction from 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 corresponding to repair and maintenance costs and interest and other financing costs will be recorded, if they are not already recorded, in a global manner, regardless of the types of leases that the property has had in the year, as it is a single box per property.

The total amount to be deducted for these expenses, together with those incurred for these same concepts in the year, may not exceed, for each asset or right, the amount of the gross income obtained. The calculation will be performed by the program.

The information relating to the amounts pending application at the beginning of each financial year, those applied and those pending application in future financial years will be transferred by the program to Annex C1 of the declaration.

In the case of repair and maintenance expenses for 2019, contract formalization, legal defense, personal services accrued by third parties and improvements, it is not necessary to reflect the NIF of those who carry out the works or provide the different services, nor the date of completion of the improvements, as these are data that must be completed voluntarily. If you choose to complete this information, the information will be transferred to Annex D of the declaration.

Leases to family members

You must indicate YES or NO in the box provided for this purpose.

In the event that the tenant of the property is the spouse or a relative, including those by marriage, up to the third degree inclusive, the total net income may not be less than that resulting from applying the rules of the section on the Allocation of Real Estate Income.

Therefore, in addition to stating income and expenses, you must indicate in this box the minimum computable income as set out in the previous paragraph.

If there are several tenants, sub-tenants, purchasers or assignees and not all of them are family members, you must register another lease by clicking on “register lease” in order to separately reflect the data relating to the income corresponding to family members and the rest.

  1. 7,3,7,1,1. Amortization
  2. 7,3,7,1,2. Examples of completion