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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2021

Purchase, Inventory Variation and Other Operating Consumption

  1. Stock Purchases

    Includes the supply of merchandise and raw materials at their acquisition price.

    The purchase price will include the price stated on the invoice plus all additional costs incurred until the goods are in the warehouse, such as transport, customs, insurance, etc.

    The cost of production of products manufactured by the company itself will be determined by adding to the purchase price of raw materials and other consumables, the costs directly attributable to the product, as well as the reasonably corresponding part of the indirect costs incurred during the manufacturing process.

  2. Variation of existences

    Inventory variation is the difference between the beginning inventory and the ending inventory; When the stock at the beginning of the year is greater than at the end of the year, this difference must be reflected as an expense.

  3. Other operating consumption

    This would include consumption in the financial year of other supplies (other than merchandise and raw materials) intended for the production process or used in the provision of services (incorporatable elements and assemblies, fuels, spare parts, various materials, containers, packaging, office supplies, etc.).

    • Incorporatable elements and assemblies are understood to be those normally manufactured outside the company and acquired by it to incorporate them into its production process without subjecting them to transformation.

    • In the case of fuels, only the consumption of energy materials that can be stored will be included.

    • Spare parts are parts intended to be installed in installations, equipment or machines to replace similar ones.

    • Miscellaneous materials are understood to be other consumable materials that are not to be incorporated into the manufactured product.