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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2021

Affected elements: Transfer and acquisition value

  1. Transmission value

    • Transfer amount

      As a general rule, the actual amount for which the sale was made will be recorded.

      The actual amount of the sale value will be taken as the amount actually paid, provided that it is not less than the normal market value, in which case the latter will prevail.

      When the transfer has been for profit (inheritance or donation), the actual amount will be taken as the amount resulting from the application of the rules of the Inheritance and Gift Tax, without being able to exceed the market value.

    • Transmission costs: The expenses and taxes inherent to the transfer will be recorded as soon as they are paid by the transferor.

  2. Cost price

    The acquisition value for affected elements will consist of:

    • The acquisition value of the asset (or production cost or allocation value)

    • Further: The cost of investments or improvements made to the transferred item.

    • Less: The amount of tax-deductible amortization, taking into account, in all cases, the minimum amortization.

    • Less: The amount of any partial sales that may have been made previously, as well as any losses suffered by the asset.

    The program does not contemplate the calculation of profits or losses derived from assets covered by the Balance Sheet Update.