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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Declaration 2021

Rollover Exemption

Exemption for reinvestment in habitual residence

When the capital gain derives from the transfer of the habitual residence and the exemption for reinvestment (total or partial) applies to it, they must be completed the data in this section.

The program will calculate the capital gain obtained and the exempt amount, and will transfer the data to the corresponding section.

  • Reinvested amount:

    • Amount reinvested until December 31, 2021 considering the entire acquisition value of the new home regardless of whether the amount has been paid or financed.

      The reinvestment must be made, in one go or successively, in a period of no more than two years.

    • Amount committed to reinvest, after 2021, in the following two years

      The amount whose reinvestment is committed to be made within the two years following the transfer of the previous home will be stated.

      It will be understood that the reinvestment is carried out within the deadline when the sale has been carried out in installments or with a deferred price, provided that the amount of the installments is used for the purpose indicated within the tax period in which they are received.

  • Loan for the acquisition of the transferred home pending amortization:

    If the taxpayer had used external financing to acquire the transferred home, the principal of the loan pending amortization at the time of transfer will be indicated in this box.

Exemption from capital gains for reinvestment in annuities for people over 65 years of age

If the capital gain derived from the transmission of assets by taxpayers over 65 years of age is exempt by reinvesting the amount obtained in the transmission in the constitution of a life annuity insured in your favor, under the conditions and deadlines established in the standard, will reflect the requested data in the capture sale.

Exemption of capital gains from the transfer of shares or participations for which the deduction was applied for investment in new or recently created companies for reinvestment in newly created companies

If you have selected Key 3 in the Type of asset element and the capital gain derived from the transfer of shares or participations for which the deduction for investment in new or recently created companies had been made is exempt for reinvesting the amount obtained in the acquisition of shares or participations in another newly or recently created entity that meets certain requirements and conditions must indicate the amount invested in the year and the amount committed to reinvest in the next.