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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2021

8,6,3,1. Full state share

The calculation of the full state quota corresponding to the general taxable base will be carried out as follows:

  1. The general taxable base (without deducting the amount of the personal and family minimum) will be subject to the rates corresponding to the general tax scale.

  2. The same scale will be applied to the part of the general taxable base corresponding to the personal and family minimum.

  3. The quota resulting from section 1 will be subtracted from the quota resulting from section 2.

Average state tax rate

The average state tax rate shall be understood as the rate derived from multiplying by 100 the quotient resulting from dividing the quota obtained, provided for in article 63 of the Tax Law, by the general taxable base.

The average state tax rate will be expressed to two decimal places.

The general taxable base will be subject to taxation applying the following scales:

Taxable base up to (euros)Full share (euros)Remaining taxable base up to (euros)Applicable rate (%)
Scale of article 63.1 Law IRPF
0.00 0.00 12,450.00 9.50
12,450.00 1,182.75 7,750.00 12.00
20,200.00 2,112.75 15,000.00 15.00
35,200.00 4,362.75 24,800.00 18.50
60,000.00 8,950.75 240,000.00 22.50
300,000.00 62,950.75 From there on 24.50

Taxpayers residing abroad: The general taxable base will be subject to taxation by applying the scale of article 63.1 of the Personal Income Tax Law and the following:

Taxable base up to (euros)Full share (euros)Remaining taxable base up to (euros)Applicable rate (%)
Scale of article 65 Law IRPF
0.00 0.00 12,450.00 9.50
12,450.00 1,182.75 7,750.00 12.00
20,200.00 2,112.75 15,000.00 15.00
35,200.00 4,362.75 24,800.00 18.50
60,000.00 8,950.75 From there on 22.50