5.10.2 Requirements
Each invoice will contain the following information:
Number and serial if apply.
Date of issue.
Full name and surname, business name or corporate name of the sender and the recipient.
NIF of the person required to issue the invoice and, in certain cases, of the recipient.
Address of the sender and the recipient.
Description of the operations and data necessary to determine the BI and its amount (unit price without VAT , discounts or rebates).
Tax rate(s).
Tax rate recorded separately.
Date of the transaction, if different from the date of issue of the invoice.
In addition, where applicable, it is mandatory to mention:
In operations that are exempt, the rule that establishes the exemption.
In the case of deliveries of new means of transport, the date of their first commissioning and the distances travelled or hours of navigation or flight completed until their delivery.
When the purchaser or recipient of the delivery or service is the one who issues the invoice instead of the supplier or provider, the mention “invoicing by the recipient” .
When the taxpayer is the purchaser or recipient of the transaction, the mention “reversal of the taxpayer” .
In the case of application of the following special regimes, the mention “special regime for travel agencies” , “special regime for used goods”, “special regime for works of art” or “special regime for antiques and collectibles” or “special regime for the cash basis”.
When several operations are included in the same invoice, the taxable base portion of each of them must be specified separately when the following operations are included:
exempt and others in which such circumstances do not occur.
in which the taxpayer of VAT is its recipient and others in which this circumstance does not occur.
subject to different rates of VAT .