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Economic Activities Manual. Fiscal duties of employers and resident professionals in Spanish territory

5.6.1 Who it applies to

To the owners of agricultural, livestock, forestry or fishing farms who have not resigned or are excluded from it.

are excluded from the regime:

  • Commercial companies, cooperatives and agrarian transformation companies.

  • Those who renounce the application of the objective estimation regime in Personal Income Tax or the simplified regime in VAT .

  • Income from agricultural, forestry and livestock activities exceeding €250,000 in the immediately preceding year.

  • Exceed the following amounts for all operations carried out other than those referred to in the previous point and in the immediately preceding year:

    • Acquisitions and imports of goods and services in all its activities, excluding fixed assets, €250,000 annually VAT excluded.

    • Volume of income from the set of activities, other than those included in this special regime €250,000.

  • Transfer of farms or holdings for lease or sharecropping or transfer of the use of resin.

  • Independent livestock farming.

  • Hunting operations.

  • Sea fishing.

  • Integrated livestock farming.

The resignation is made:

  1. Expressly, by submitting the forms 036 or 037 of the beginning census declaration, or in December prior to the beginning of the calendar year in which it must take effect.

  2. Tacitly, by submitting on time the model 303 of the first quarter of the calendar year or the first self-assessment in case of initiation.

The resignation is effective for a minimum of 3 years and will be deemed to be tacitly extended in subsequent years, unless revoked in the month of December prior to the calendar year in which it should take effect.

The waiver or exclusion of REAG and P in VAT implies the waiver or exclusion of the objective estimation regime in Personal Income Tax .

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