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Practical Manual for Companies 2020.

Eligible income

a) Cooperative results

In box [C1] the income that is of a cooperative nature will be recorded, and which are stated in article 17 of Law 20/1990:

  • Those from the exercise of the cooperative activity carried out with the own partners.

  • The periodic fees paid by the members.

  • The current subsidies.

  • The imputations to the financial year of the capital grants in the manner provided for in the applicable accounting standards.

  • The interests and returns arising from the participation of the cooperative, as a partner or associate, in other cooperatives.

  • The financial income from the management of ordinary treasury, necessary for carrying out the cooperative activity.

b) Extra-cooperative results

In box [E1] those incomes that have the character of non-cooperative income will be recorded, according to the provisions of article 21 of Law 20/1990 :

  • Those arising from the exercise of the cooperative activity when carried out with non-members.

  • Those obtained from investments or financial participations in non-cooperative companies.

  • Those obtained from economic activities or sources outside the specific purposes of the cooperative.

Extra-cooperative results will include those from the Credit Sections of the cooperatives, with the exception of those resulting from active operations carried out with partners, those obtained through credit cooperatives and those from investments in public funds and securities issued by public companies, which will therefore be considered cooperative results.

Finally, it should be noted that article 13.10 of Law 20/1990 establishes that one of the conditions for losing the status of a fiscally protected cooperative is that the volume of operations with non-member third parties exceeds 50 percent of the total operations of the cooperative.


A first-degree cooperative dedicated to wine production purchases grapes from another non-member cooperative:

  • These operations give rise, where appropriate, to non-cooperative results.

  • If these operations exceed a volume of more than 50 percent of the total, the status of tax-protected cooperative will be lost.