Who should be registered
Find out about the censuses and registries where you must register based on your tax obligations
Virtual Census Assistance Tools
Using these tools you can obtain information interactively on the most frequently asked questions.
Census of Liable Taxpayers
If you are a person or entity and you have a NIF, this is your tax register.
Tax register of business owners, professionals and withholders
If you are a business or professional or pay income subject to withholding or on-account payment, this is your tax register.
Register of Intra-community Operators
If you carry out transactions subject to VAT with other member states, this is your tax register.
Register of exporters and other economic operators
If you are using the monthly VAT refund system, this is your tax register.
Large enterprises register
If you have a turnover of more than 6,010,121.04 euros, this is your tax register.
Registration and identification of economic operators (EORI) or EORI-NIF association
Find out how to register for foreign trade operations in Spain (EU).
Registry of Exporters of Fiscal Warehouses of products included in the objective areas of the Taxes on Alcohol and Derived Beverages or on Hydrocarbons
If you are a person or entity that extracts from tax warehouses the products included in the objective areas of the Taxes on Alcohol and Derived Beverages or on Hydrocarbons, this is your census
Territorial Register of Excise and Environmental Taxes
- Registration of Special Taxes on Manufacturing
- Register of the Special Tax on Electricity
- Register of the Special Tax on Coal
- Registry of the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse-Effect Gases.
- Form 030. Census of taxpayers - Census declaration of registration, change of address and/or variation of personal data
- Form 036
Census of entrepreneurs, professionals and withholding agents - Census declaration of registration, modification and deregistration.
- Ley 58/2003, de 17 de diciembre, Disposición Adicional quinta
Declaraciones censales
- Real Decreto 1065/2007, de 27 de julio, artículos 2 a 17
Los censos tributarios
- Real Decreto 1065/2007, de 27 de julio, Disposición adicional cuarta
Aplicación de las normas sobre declaraciones censales de los Territorios Históricos del País Vasco y en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra
- Article 3 of Royal Decree 1065/2007, of July 27
Formation of tax censuses within the scope of the State's competences