My register details
You can immediately check and modify your tax address and add an address for notification purposes.
How to notify a change of tax address
The tax domicile is your habitual residence, a specific place where the tax authorities can locate you and send notifications to, unless you indicate a different one.
You can check and modify your tax address and you must notify the corresponding tax authority within three months of the change if you are not part of the Census of Business Owners, Professionals and Withholders, using census .
If you have a Cl@ve , electronic certificate or electronic DNI , you can consult and modify your tax address through the Electronic Office of the AEAT in the "My census data" section.
However , if before three months, the deadline for filing the Income Tax return ends, you must communicate the change in your tax address when you file the Income Tax return .
If the change of tax domicile affects both spouses, you can do so using a single form signed by each of them.