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Tax Studies and Statistics Service

Rubén Víctor Fernández

Directorate of the Tax Studies and Statistics Service

Headline: Rubén Víctor Fernández de Santiago

Born in Madrid in 1967, he holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies (1989, specialising in Quantitative Economics) from the UAM. He is currently a member of the Senior Corps of State Statisticians (1997), and previously passed the competitive examinations for the Corps of Public Finance Management (1989, specialising in Auxiliary Inspection).


Until his appointment as Director of the Tax Studies and Statistics Service, by Resolution of June 18, 2012 of the Presidency of the State Agency for Tax Administration, he has held various positions in the DG Coordination with the Territorial Treasuries, the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the Department of Economics of the Office of the President of the Government, the National Institute of Statistics and the Tax Agency. He holds a Master's degree in Public Finance, Public Expenditure and Economic Programming from the IEF.

He has carried out teaching duties as an associate professor of 4-Course Econometrics at the UAM for five full years. He is the author of several publications on business cycle monitoring from fiscal sources, has given seminars on the statistical use of tax data and revenue forecasting, and has participated in various statistical and fiscal meetings with international organisations and agencies.

Functions of the Service

The Tax Studies and Statistics Service, in accordance with what may be entrusted to it by the Presidency or by the Directorate General of the Agency, shall be responsible for the budgeting and medium-term forecasting of tax, non-tax and other public revenues, as well as for carrying out studies of a tax nature and the preparation of statistics within the scope of the functions and competencies attributed to the Tax Agency. He will also be responsible for adapting the tax databases for the processing and statistical exploitation of information; the production of tax source statistics on the main taxes and the development of their dissemination tools; the performance of statistical studies requiring massive data processing; and the development and implementation of statistical micro-simulation models for the assessment of the revenue cost of regulatory changes.

General Sub-Directorates:

  • Subdirectorate General of Statistics

    María Luz Gómez López

  • Subdirectorate General for Budgeting and Monitoring of Tax Revenues

    Rafael Frutos Vivar