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Organisation chart

Economic Management Service

Ivan Jose Gomez Guzman

Location of the Economic Management Service

Headline: Ivan Jose Gomez Guzman

Degree in Higher Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (Polytechnic University of Madrid). Admission by competitive examination to the Corps of Architects of the Public Treasury.


Until his appointment as Director of the Economic Management Service by Resolution of July 22, 2022 of the Presidency of the State Tax Administration Agency, he has performed the following functions:

  • Deputy Head of Unit – Media and Resources Management Unit of the Central Delegation of Large Taxpayers (2018 - 2022)

  • Chief Architect of the Property Management Area of the AEAT in the Subdirectorate of Real Estate and Facilities Management (2013 - 2018)

  • Head of the Regional Human Resources and Administration Department. Economics of the Special Delegation of the AEAT of Madrid (2009 - 2013)

  • Head of the Technical Office of the Special Delegation of the AEAT in Madrid. (2004 - 2008)

  • Deputy Director of Human Resources at the AEAT (2002 - 2004)

  • Deputy Director of Economic Administration of the AEAT (1998 - 2002)

  • Deputy Special Delegate of the Special Delegation of the AEAT in Madrid (1995 - 1998)

  • Deputy Delegate of the Special Delegation of the AEAT of the Balearic Islands (1991 - 1995)

  • Manager of the Balearic Cadastre Department (1988-1981)

  • Architect at the Cadastre Office of Palma de Mallorca (1987 - 1988)

Functions of the Service

The Economic Management Service will be responsible for the administration of the financial and material resources and the auxiliary services necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes by the State Tax Administration Agency.

It will also act as the Agency's accounting service under the terms established by article 103.7 of Law 31/1990, of December 27, on the General State Budget for 1990.

General Sub-Directorates:

  • Budgets and Financial Management

    Natalia Garzaran Fuertes

  • Accounting

    Ana Isabel Docio Sampablo

  • Procurement and Contracting

    Monica Rino Garcia-Camacho

  • Real Estate and Facilities

    Cristina Monllor Gonzalez