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Annual Report 2012

3.2.6. Obtaining certificates

According to the current regulations, there are many scenarios in which citizens are obliged to certify before the Public Administrations or the bodies and entities dependent on these, the fact that they are up-to-date in the fulfilment of their tax debts or any other tax-related circumstance, for example, their level of income.

With the aim of managing this service in a more efficient way and facilitating the citizens these credentials, preventing their having to move to our offices for the obtaining of the corresponding certificate, the Tax Agency can directly supply the Public Administrations requesting the certificates, through data transmission, the information contained in those certificates, with the same validity and efficiency as the certificates themselves.

During the year 2012, the number of prevented certificates is 18,437,380, which means an increase of 33.39 per cent with regard to the year 2011.

The number of certificates requested directly by the citizens in the offices of the Tax Agency during the year 2012 has been 1,666,034, with a 9.82 per cent descent with regard to 2011.