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Annual Report 2013

3.2.3. Conducting procedures by phone

The Tax Agency has a Call Centre (901 20 03 45) that is operative from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 7 pm (to 9 pm from April to June and to 3 pm in August), and among the tax aid services it provides we can highlight the following: notification of tax address change (except for taxpayers required to submit returns 036/037), request of the advance payment of the deduction for working mothers, and managing pre-populated income tax returns (during income tax campaign).

In addition, the Tax Agency has automatic telephone services, that is, Voice Recognition Units (901 12 12 24), available from Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day, for very simple procedures like the request of identification labels, information on the status of the Personal Income Tax returns, the confirmation of the pre-populated income tax return or the request of appointments to modify it or to prepare the income tax return.

The automated telephone services received, in 2013, a total of 3,385,435 calls, which is 10.09 per cent less than the previous year. Such a big difference in the number of calls received was caused by the fact that requests for the pre-populated income tax return or tax information for Personal Income Tax returns are no longer attended by phone.