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Annual Report 2016

4.2.6. Civic-Tax Education Programme

In 2016 the Tax Agency maintained, in collaboration with the educational community, various actions addressed to children and teenagers to foster an awareness in the future taxpayers of tax responsibility, in order for them to understand it as one of the values on which a democratic society is organised. All the activities in this field were carried out by staff of the Tax Agency who participated voluntarily. In this tax year, the Delegations of the Tax Agency conducted the following activities:

  • Open days (visits to the regional offices) with the participation of almost 7,700 students (Primary, Secondary and Pre-University).
  • Visits to educational centres by staff of the Tax Agency, with the participation of over 20,000 students.
  • Additionally, courses and talks were given in University Schools and Faculties, with the participation of 1,450 students.