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2017 Report

4.2.6. Civic-Tax Education Programme

In 2017, the Civic-Taxation Education Programme was relaunched, developed by the Tax Agency since 2003. In collaboration with the educational community, various activities were carried out for children and teenagers, to promote tax awareness among future taxpayers, so that they assume their tax responsibility as one of the values in which a democratic society is organised. All the activities in this field were carried out by staff of the Tax Agency who participated voluntarily. In this tax year, the Delegations of the Tax Agency conducted the following activities:

  • Open-doors workshops (visits to Delegations) with the participation of around 9,325 pupils (primary, secondary and baccalaureate).
  • Visits by Tax Agency staff to educational centres, with the participation of more than 24,704 pupils.
  • Courses and talks were also given to Faculties and University Colleges, with the participation of 1,543 students.