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2017 Report

4.3.7. Other measures for promotion of the Electronic Administration

To facilitate the browsing and locating of content related to customs and excise duties, in 2017, the Customs portal was reformed, updating its content and organising access to information with icons and graphic elements.

To facilitate the use of the E-Office, its website header has been modified to make the official date and time visible on screen at all times. This makes it easier for the taxpayer to check at all times that filing is being done within the voluntary filing period.

The Web Service of the payment gateway for taxes and the payment gateways for self-assessments, payments and fees have been adapted to make a series of improvements in the identification of payees and certain queries. New forms have also been enabled in the self-assessment and fees payment gateways.

Similarly, the Tax Agency's payment gateway for auction deposits has also been modified to implement certain technological changes.

In 2016, voluntary subscription was set up to a notifications system, through which taxpayers provide the Tax Agency with a mobile number or email address where they can receive notifications issued by the Tax Agency. This service was expanded in 2017 for the receipt of any kind of notification from the Tax Agency.

Improvements were also made to the 'My Alerts' application of the E-Office, which shows certain alerts (outstanding notifications, registry incidents, etc.) for the taxpayer accessing the E-Office, and authenticating their access with Cl@ve PIN (in the past this only appeared via authentication with an electronic certificate).