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Report 2019

4.4.1. Transfer of information

For years, and increasingly, the Tax Agency has transferred information to other Public Administrations in order for them to carry out their entrusted functions and provide the citizens with the public services for which they are competent in the most efficient way. That information transfer generally requires the prior consent of the interested party.

The tax information provided in this manner to other public organisms, apart from saving citizens millions of trips each year to request tax certificates and reducing procedure times and management costs in the Administrations, has contributed to avoid and fight frauds when obtaining social benefits, subsidies or government aid.

The signing in 2019 of numerous agreements for the supply and exchange of information stands out, which have been adapted to Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, among which those signed with the Secretariat stand out. of State of Energy for the processing of the Social Bonus, the Social Institute of the Armed Forces, the General Council of the Legal Profession for free legal assistance procedures, the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain for transfer to the Chambers Officials for the exercise of their public-administrative functions, the General Directorate of Gambling Regulation, the State Public Employment Service, as well as many public universities.

As a consequence of the agreements for the transfer of information to other Administrations, the Tax Agency has responded, during 2019, to nearly 67 million requests for information related to the Personal Income Tax (approximately half from the Ministry of Health) and more than 7.2 million certificates of being up to date with tax obligations.

Likewise, the Tax Agency supplies information to the Courts, Tribunals and members of the Public Prosecutor's Office. During 2019, within the framework stipulated in the collaboration agreement with the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the Ministry of Justice, the standardized supplies that have been carried out directly and automated through the Judicial Neutral Point managed by the CGPJ, they have amounted to more than 10.6 million. In addition, 10,703 non-standardized requests for information have been processed.

Currently, the tax figures of a statistical nature serve to reduce the sample sizes of the surveys carried out by bodies such as the Spanish Statistical Office, the National Social Security Institute, the Banco de España and the Ministry of Public Works. On the other hand, the use of administrative records of fiscal origin is widely used for statistical operations of great importance for citizens such as the Active Population Survey, the Labor Costs Survey, the Industrial Survey, the Services Survey, and the Foreign Trade Survey. among other.