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Report 2021

4.1.6. Civic-Tax Education Programme

During 2021, the execution of the Civic-Tax Education Program developed by the Tax Agency since 2003 has continued. In collaboration with the educational community, various actions have been carried out aimed at children and adolescents to promote fiscal awareness in future taxpayers so that they assimilate fiscal responsibility as one of the values on which a democratic society is organized. All the activities in this field were carried out by staff of the Tax Agency who participated voluntarily.

Due to the pandemic, and the declaration of the state of alarm and its extension; Starting in March 2020, activities were drastically reduced, with only those that were viable carried out telematically and some exceptionally in person. In 2021, activities have gradually resumed with all the limitations imposed due to the pandemic.

This program currently has 274 trainers, distributed throughout all the Delegations of the national territory; carrying out, among other activities, the following:

  • Open days (visits to the Delegations) with the participation of about 960 students (Primary, ESO and Baccalaureate).

  • Visits to educational centers by Tax Agency personnel, with the participation of more than 9,155 students.

  • Courses and talks in University Faculties and Schools, with the participation of 1,151 students.

It is worth highlighting the increase in activities carried out in this area, favored by the signing of Collaboration Protocols. In 2021, 9 Collaboration Protocols have been signed with Universities, which are added to the 25 already existing, which include among their objectives the transmission of civic tax values. Special emphasis is placed on the Faculties of Educational Sciences, and the Teacher Training Centers.

The program has as a fundamental teaching tool the Civic-Tax Education Portal , which is found on the Tax Agency website.

During 2021, the procedures for updating the PECT Portal began, in collaboration with the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IEF).

In the 2019/2020 academic year, the National Competition for School Centers had to be suspended within the framework of the Tax Civic Education Program , in which the students in 5th and 6th years of Primary Education, ESO, Baccalaureate and basic or intermediate vocational training cycles who have attended the talks or conferences; presenting works such as essays or advertising pieces (graphic posters or videos). At the end of the year, the national awards ceremony is held by the head of the General Directorate of the Tax Agency in the auditorium of its headquarters. However, in some Special Delegation the first phase could be carried out, with the winners pending to participate in the next possible edition at the national level. The same has happened during the 2020/2021 academic year. With respect to the 2021/2022 academic year, it is hoped to continue with this activity that motivates students and teachers so much.

In November 2017, the TAXEDU European Tax Education Portal was published, in whose development the Tax Agency has participated very actively, and continues to participate, collaborating in its dissemination.

The network of TAXEDU promoters meets periodically, at least once a year, to renew incentives, learn about improvements, and share good practices for its dissemination. On the part of Spain, intense work is carried out in the publication of articles in the News section of the TAXEDU portal, in addition to disseminating it in the talks given in education centers, including Universities.