News published in INFORMA 2024
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA during the month of July
144072 - ELECTRICITY. TYPE 5%Application of the reduced rate to electricity supplies.
147434 - TRANSMISSION OF CARBON ABSORPTION ERDS. PASSIVE SUBJECTA commercial entity that owns rustic land transfers absorption rights , derived from the tons of carbon dioxide generated by a tree plantation, to other commercial entities pursuant to the provisions of Royal Decree 163/2014, of March 14, which creates the registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects. Passive subject.
147456 - ADMINISTRATOR OF A COMPANYLiability for services provided by a company administrator , registered in the special Social Security regime for self-employed workers.
147457 - HOOKAH AND HERBAL SMOKING PRODUCTS.Applicable type to a smokable product, commonly called molasses , made from industrial honey, glycerin, flavoring and smokable herbs.