News published in INFORMA 2018
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA in February
140362 - INVOICING. VAT - TAX ID NO. FORM 349. PURCHASE AND SALE OF VEHICLES: TAXATION AND FORMAL OBLIGATIONSTaxation and formal obligations that a person dedicated to the purchase and sale of vehicles needs to adhere to when acquiring a vehicle in an EU member state and bringing it to Spain.
140359 - SPECIAL REGIME FOR TRAVEL AGENCIES. COMPANY THAT SUBCONTRACTS VEHICLES AND DRIVERSPossibility to apply the special regime for travel agencies to transportation services provided by a company that subcontracts vehicles and drivers.
140356 - PLACE OF EXECUTION. LEGAL CONSULTANCY SERVICES. RULE OF EFFECTIVE USEHow the rule of effective use is processed in the services mentioned and the possibility of considering its partial application when the requirements are met.
140357 - PLACE OF EXECUTION. TRANSLATION SERVICESPlace of execution of services that a translator provides to a company located in Poland.
140360 - DEDUCTION OF CHARGES BORNE. EXPENSES FOR EMPLOYEE TRIPS: FUEL AND ACCOMMODATIONPossibility to deduct the costs borne by a company under the concept of its employees' meals, accommodation and fuel.