News published in INFORMA 2017
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA in October
140082-INVOICING. CONTENT: SUMMARY INVOICE ADDITIONAL VATThe invoicing process for a supplier who will be returned goods by a retailer subject to additional VAT.
140080-GROSS TAX BASE MODIFICATION: LESSOR RECTIFICATIONSIt is not possible for the lessor of a property to rectify charges accrued in the specified case.
140086-INVOICING. ISSUANCE: SERVICE RATE MANAGED BY THE COUNCILInvoicing implications for a service managed directly by a Council by charging a rate to the final recipients.
140087-EXEMPTIONS. EDUCATION. PRIVATE CLASSES: RECIPIENT OTHER THAN THE STUDENTSpecificities relating to the educational exemption when the training courses taught by professionals in the subject are not aimed at students.
140081 - SPECIAL REGIMES. SPECIAL REGIME FOR AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK FARMING AND FISHING. APPLICATION: SALE OF INVESTMENT GOODS TO A COOPERATIVEHow compensation of the Special regime for agriculture, livestock farming and fishing is processed for the sale of investment goods to a cooperative.