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All procedures
Taxes, fees and property benefits
Environmental taxes
Form 583/588. Tax on the value of electricity generation. Self-assessment.
Form 584. Tax return Settlement. Tax on the Production of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste from the generation of nuclear electric power.
Form 585. Tax on the storage of spent nuclear energy and radioactive waste in centralised facilities. Self-assessed tax return and payment by instalments.
Form 586. Informative Tax Return. Greenhouse-Effect Fluorinated Gases.
Form 587. Declaration-Settlement Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases.
Form 589. Tax on the value of gas, oil and condensation extraction. Self-assessed tax return and payment by instalments.
Form 591. Tax on the value of electricity generation. Annual return of operations with taxpayers.
Form 592. Return-settlement Special tax on non-reusable plastic containers. Self-assessment
Model 593. Tax on the disposal of waste in landfills, incineration and co-incineration of waste. Self-assessment
Model A22. Special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging. Application for refund.
Model A23. Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. Request for refund.
Ordinary refund of environmental taxes.
Refund of undue payments of environmental taxes.
Refund for income earned during suspended periods of the Tax on the value of electrical energy production. Model 583
Special Refund for Tax on the Value of Electricity generation.
Accounting for Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Stocks (from 1 September 2022)
Stocktaking of Greenhouse-Effect Fluorinated Gases.
Accounting Special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging
Declaration of stocks of Greenhouse-Effect Fluorinated Gases.
Model A22. Special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging. Application for refund.
Model A22. Request for refund.
Model A22. Refund request with file import
Model A22. Check returns
Model A22. Respond to requirements, draw up claims and/or provide documents or receipts
Procedure file