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Taxes, fees and property benefits
Informative tax returns
Form 038. Informative Tax Return. List of transactions carried out by organisations registered in public registers.
Form 156. Informative Tax Return. Affiliate and mutual company member payments for the purposes of deduction for maternity. Annual summary.
Form 159. Informative Tax Return. Annual electricity consumption tax return.
Form 165. Informative return of individual certificates issued to partners or participants of newly or recently incorporated organisations.
Form 170. Informative Tax Return. Annual informative return of operations performed by employers or professionals belonging to the debit or credit card collection management system.
Form 171. Informative Tax Return. Annual informative return of deposits, withdrawals from funds and of collections from any document.
Model 172. Information statement on virtual currency balances
Model 173. Information statement on operations with virtual currencies
Form 179. Annual information statement on the transfer of use of housing for tourist purposes
Form 180. Informative Tax Return. Withholdings and payment on account. Revenues from leases of urban properties. Annual summary.
Form 181. Informative Tax Return. Loans, credit facilities and other financial operations pertaining to real estate.
Form 182. Informative Tax Return. Donations, endowments and contributions received.
Form 184. Informative Tax Return. Entities in the income allocation system. Annual return.
Form 185. Informative Tax Return. Monthly informative return of the administrative organs and organisations of the Social Security and Mutual Societies.
Form 186. Informative Tax Return. Supply of information related to births and deceases.
Form 187. Informative Tax Return. Shares or investments representing the capital or assets of collective investment institutions and the annual summary of withholdings and payments on account of IRPF, IS and IRNR in relation to income or capital gains obtained as a result of transfers or redemptions of such shares and units and subscription rights.
Form 188. Informative Tax Return. Withholdings and payment on account. Income or investment income from capitalisation and life or disability insurance contract operations. Annual summary.
Form 189. Informative Tax Return. Securities, insurance and income. Annual return.
Form 190. Informative Tax Return. Withholdings and payment on account. Work income and income from economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and income allocations. Annual summary.
Form 192. Informative Tax Return. Operations with Treasury Bills. Annual return.
Form 193. Informative Tax Return. Withholdings and deposits on account of Personal Income Tax on specific earnings from liquid capital. Withholdings on account of Corporation Tax and Permanent Establishments on certain income. Annual summary.
Form 194. Informative Tax Return. Withholdings and deposits on account of Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Income Tax of (permanently established) Non-Residents over earnings from liquid capital and incomes derived from the transfer, depreciation, reimbursement, exchange or conversion of any type of assets representative of the collection and use of foreign assets. Annual summary
Form 195. Informative Tax Return. Quarterly return on accounts and operations in which the holders have not provided the Tax No. (NIF) to the credit institutions within the established deadline.
Form 196. Informative Tax Return. Annual summary of withholdings and deposits on account of income from investments and from accounts in all types of financial institutions.
Form 198. Informative Tax Return. Annual tax return of operations with financial assets and other securities.
Form 199. Informative Tax Return. Annual statement of transactions with Credit Entity cheques.
Form 231. Informative Tax Return. Country-by-Country informing (CBC/DAC4)
Form 232. Informative tax return for related-party transactions and transactions and situations related to countries or territories considered tax havens
Form 233. Informative declaration for expenses in authorised nurseries or childhood education centres.
Model 234. Informative tax return on cross-border mechanisms
Form 235 Tax return with updated information on marketable cross-border mechanisms
Communications between the parties and participants in cross-border tax planning mechanisms
Form 236 Declaration of information on the use of certain cross-border mechanisms
Form 238. Information statement for the communication of information by platform operators
Model 239. AMAC tax planning arrangements disclosure statement on automatic exchange relating to common reporting standard circumvention mechanisms and opaque offshore structures
Form 270. Annual summary of withholdings and on-account payments of the special tax on prizes from certain lotteries and bets.
Form 280. Annual informative declaration of Long-Term Savings Plans.
Model 281. Quarterly information statement on operations involving the sale of tangible goods carried out in the Canary Islands Special Area without the goods moving through the Canary Islands.
Form 282. Annual informative declaration for grants received within the framework of the Canary Islands special tax regime and other State grants resulting from the application of EU law:
Form 289. Annual declaration of information on financial accounts in the field of mutual assistance.
Form 290. Annual informative tax return of financial accounts of certain U.S. citizens (FATCA).
Form 291. Informative Tax Return. Non-residents Income Tax. Accounts of non-residents without permanent establishment.
Form 294. Informative Tax Return. Individualised list of clients receiving distributions of earnings from Spanish Collective Investment Institutions, and those on behalf of whom the trading entity has carried out share redemptions or transfers.
Form 295. Informative Tax Return. Annual individualised list of clients that are registered as investors in Spanish Unit Trust Institutions, at 31 December of the financial year, in the cases of cross border commercialisation of shares or stocks in Spanish Unit Trust Institutions.
Form 296. Informative Tax Return. Withholdings and income regarding Personal Income Tax for Non-Residents (without permanent residence) Annual summary.
Form 345. Informative Tax Return. Plans, pension funds and alternative systems. Friendly Societies, Insured Pension Plans, Individual Systematic Savings Plans, Company Savings Plans and Dependency Insurance. Participations and allocations annual tax return.
Form 346. Informative Tax Return. Subsidies and compensations paid to arable or livestock farmers by public or private companies.
Form 347. Informative Tax Return. Annual declaration of operations with third parties.
Form 349. Informative Tax Return. Recapitulative return on intra-Community operations.
Form 379. Information statement on cross-border payments
Form 611. Informative Tax Return. Payments in cash of the tax on documents negotiated by Collaborating Organisations. Annual Summary Tax Return.
Form 616. Informative Tax Return. Payments in cash of the tax on the issue of documents linked to collection of bill of exchange or that are endorsable to the order. Annual Summary Tax Return.
Form 720. Informative Tax Return. Informative tax return on goods and rights held abroad.
Model 721. Information statement on virtual currencies located abroad
Informative tax returns. Data verification / Limited verification
Informative Tax Returns filing control.
Informative tax returns. Data verification / Limited verification
Fulfilling requirements or submitting documentation related to a notification received from the AEAT
Make allegations and/or provide documents or proof
Procedure file