National response plan to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine
- EXTENSION of transport aid for beneficiaries of the refund for Professional Diesel, Royal Decree-Law 20/2022 of December 27
- FOURTH direct aid to transport, Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 of June 28 (non-beneficiaries of professional diesel return)
- THIRD direct aid to transport, Royal Decree-Law 20/2022 of December 27 (non-beneficiaries of professional diesel return)
- FIRST and SECOND direct aid to the road transport sector
- SECOND aid to cover the price of diesel consumed by agricultural producers Royal Decree-Law 5/2023
- FIRST aid to cover the price of diesel consumed by agricultural producers Royal Decree-Law 20/2022
- FIRST and SECOND direct aid to the intensive gas industry sector
- Extraordinary and temporary bonus on the final price of certain energy products.
- SECOND aid of 200 euros for individuals with low income and assets
- FIRST aid of 200 euros for individuals with low levels of income and assets