FIRST aid of 200 euros for individuals with low income and assets
General Details
FIRST aid of 200 euros for individuals with low income and assets
Procedure type
The beneficiaries of a one-off payment of 200 euros will be natural persons who, on June 27, 2022, carry out an activity as a self-employed person or as an employee for which they are registered in the corresponding Social Security or mutual fund scheme, or are unemployed persons registered with the employment office, whether or not they are beneficiaries of unemployment benefits or subsidies, provided that in 2021 they received an income of less than 14,000 euros gross per year, and had assets of less than 43,196.40 euros per year.
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Citizen
Place for presentation
Electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency
The application must be submitted at the Electronic Headquarters of the State Tax Administration Agency, by filling out the electronic form that is made available for this purpose by the Agency until September 30, 2022, and which must necessarily include the bank account in which you wish the payment to be made.
Phases of the procedure/service
Start: The application must be submitted at the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency, by filling out the electronic form made available for this purpose by the Agency until September 30, 2022, and which must necessarily include the bank account into which the payment is to be made.
Processing.- The Tax Agency will manage the aid applications and carry out all the management, control and collection actions necessary for their processing, applying the provisions of Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Tax Law, and its implementing regulations in matters not expressly provided for in article 31 of Royal Decree-Law 11/2022, of June 25.
Resolution: The amount will be credited to the requested account. After three months from the deadline for submitting the form have elapsed without payment having been made, the application may be deemed to have been rejected.
Resolution deadline
6 months
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
Replacement: within a period of one month, optional, with the office that made the administrative decision to be appealed, stating that no economic-administrative claim has been lodged against it.
Economic-administrative claim: within one month from the day following notification of the contested measure or from the date on which the proceedings or the prior motion for reversal are dismissed. It will be addressed to the administrative body that issued the challengeable act.
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Artículo 31 del Real Decreto-ley 11/2022, de 25 de junio,
por el que se adoptan y se prorrogan determinadas medidas para responder a las consecuencias económicas y sociales de la guerra en Ucrania, para hacer frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social y económica, y para la recuperación económica y social de la isla de La Palma (BOE 26-junio-2022)
Artículo 74 del Real Decreto-ley 20/2022, de 27 de diciembre,
de medidas de respuesta a las consecuencias económicas y sociales de la Guerra de Ucrania y de apoyo a la reconstrucción de la isla de La Palma y a otras situaciones de vulnerabilidad.