Royal Decree-Law 11/2022, of June 25: New FAQs regarding the energy product bonus
Its validity is extended until December 31, 2022, so that the return of the bonuses applied during the month of December will be requested in the first fifteen calendar days of January 2023.
No, they apply to products already included in Royal Decree Law 6/2022.
Indeed, fuels used in private recreational navigation are expressly excluded, which is defined as the use of a vessel, which is not publicly owned, by its owner or by the person who may use it, by means of leasing or any other title, for non-commercial purposes and, in particular, for purposes other than the transport of passengers or goods or the provision of services for a fee.
Indeed, in July there will be a supplement to the advance payment received in April, although in no case may the amount of the advance payment and this new supplement exceed the sum of 5,000,000 euros.
Employees who have requested monthly refunds of the bonus during April, May and June 2022, whose initial advance payment received has been less than 90% of the sales volume of bonus products during the month of April.
For collaborators who have not been able to collect the advance payment in April (not registered in the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge) and have requested the return of the bonuses during April, May and June 2022, for supplies of products other than Adblue.
The processing of this supplement will be done ex officio by the competent Administrations (AEAT or Provincial Councils) with the request for the return of the bonus for the month of June (submission in July 2022).
For employees who have already received an advance payment in April and have also requested a monthly refund of the bonus during April, May and June, the difference between the advance payment received and 90% of the sales volume for the month of April will be the difference.
For those management collaborators who were unable to request an advance payment in April, the supplement will be 90% of the sales volume for the month of April.
Indeed, Royal Decree Law 11/2022 provides for the following adjustments:
1 adjustment with the last bonus refund for the month of December (application in January 2023) between the amount of this and the advance payment received.
However, in the case of employees who have not requested refunds of the bonus during any of the months of April, May or June, this adjustment may be made in advance by the corresponding Administration, starting in July.
Final adjustment between the information from the National Commission of Markets and Competition on all the bonuses applied during the entire duration of the measure (April to December 2022) and the monthly refunds made by the AEAT and the competent Provincial Councils of the Basque Country and Navarre.